Chapter 2

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The constant galloping of the horse could have hurt Julia badly only if the ride extended further. They reached the town really quick.

"We are here my lord," she said politely. She was about to get down when lord Byron clasped her wrist tightly.

"What do you think that you can get here? The people over here...they don't know you. And it's winter. You are in nothing but a tattered piece of clothing, too thin to protect you from the cold. I have already told you that I want you to come with me. I am not going to harm you Miss Barn. I have a mother and a sister. I am not like Joe."

Julia wanted to cry at his politeness again. But she still wasn't sure. She couldn't trust anyone. But his offer was tempting. It was already mid winter, too chilly for her to resist it bravely with only a thin piece of clothing. Should she trust this man. But she did not want to be pitied upon.

"Lord Byron, thank you for your immense kindness. But I think that I should lead my life like I need to and can. I wasn't born in high class that I will get accustomed to your royalty at your place. Moreover, I don't want to be pitied upon. I want to work and earn."

Lord Byron was thinking of something. "What do you excel in?"

"I do tailoring," she replied without any emotions.

"Then come with me. Be the tailor of my Mother. She would be glad to have a tailor. And I will pay you for your work. Does that work with you. And oh, you can live with us."

"Should I? I still don't trust you." She was still unsure of that mud brown haired beauty sitting behind her, his hand clasped on her wrist.

"I am not like those people of the bar. I was there to escort Joe. Trust me my lady. I mean no harm to. I just want to save you, and give you a shelter. I wanted to save you that day as well. I will be guilty if you don't allow me to help you."

Julia turned around to examine his eyes again. It did show concern. But she still wasn't sure. She doesn't even know him properly, let alone trust him. A random help like this should have a motive.

"Tell me truthfully, what do you want from me?" Her voice was stern, with an undertone of seriousness. She was sure that he had a motive.

"I don't really want to leave a young lady alone like this this," he replied. It was partially true. That young woman had mesmerized him. Her beauty, her poise had stirred new feelings of affection in him which was still to be discovered by him. He wanted her close to him. He wanted to know her.

Julia thought about it. Surely, she did need a shelter. "I will go with you then," she replied hesitantly, as she stared into his cornflower blue eyes. He stared back into her dark blue eyes, as if the deep ocean was clashing with the vibrant sky.

She broke the stare and turned around. Lord Byron let go of her hand. She snuggled into his chest again as he rode towards the Byron Mansion.

Julia could feel the pain spreading to her upper body as she got down the horse with Lord Byron's help. She didn't complain about it tho. Her teeth chattered due to the cold. It was nearly evening, the sun was yet to set down. Byron escorted her into the huge mansion.

He called for a maid and out came a woman in her thirties. Her eyes as gr en as an emerald, with the vibrancy still in them.

"This is Miss Linda. She will be your helper. Linda, this is Miss Julia Barn. She will be my mother's tailor. But don't allow any other maids to mistreat her. That's your duty."
Linda modded. Julia wanted to complain about this special treatment, but she was tired.

Lord Byron seemed to notice it. He ordered Linda to prepare a hot tub for Julia. Linda went to prepare it.

"Thank you my lord. I will be forever, obliged to you," she said politely.

Lord Byron smiled a little. "Do have a nice bath. And don't worry, a spare dress would be given to you. My sister won't mind sharing one with you. Though, she's a littler bigger in size than you are. So they may not be of your suitable size. But don't worry, you can go out shopping with Linda tomorrow to buy a few clothes. Charges on me."

Julia was about to protest when a man called out Byron's name and he went away. Julia stood their. She will be forever obliged to him. But surely, he did have a motive. A handsome face like him doesn't seem to be the one who goes around helping others this often. Shrugging away those thoughts, she went inside, where she had seen Linda going.

"You brought Julia with you? Are you mad?"
It was Harry, the stable boy. He knew Julia quite well. She used to live in the same village as he, before their family moved further outside the countryside.

"She doesn't have a bad reputation, so what's the problem?" Lord Byron wasn't pleased with Harry's reaction.

"The problem is her father. If he found out where she is, then he wouldn't even flinch to kill her. Her father shouldn't know."

"He won't Harry, he won't. That drunkard will be er know that I am the one who's helping her. He would never suspect me."

The bath had removed most of the pain from her body. She had washed her hair after what seemed like an eternity. A beige dress was kept outside. Linda helped her with the dress. She was shown a room. She was too tired to explore the room. So without eating, she fell asleep.

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