The First Boy

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"Alright ladies and gentlemen, any final questions for our heroes?"

The crowd of press gathered in the audience immediately erupt. Among the noise, you hear your name repeated overwhelmingly.

"Genesis! Miss Genesis over here! Genesis!"

The flashing and clicking of camera shutters are near deafening from where you sit among your fellow pro heroes on the panel on stage. The MC randomly chooses one reporter from the masses gathered in the conference room and offers him a mic.

The gentleman quickly stands, taking it in his hand. "Genesis, there is a rumour that you will be returning home to Japan this summer for the celebration of UA's 50th anniversary. Is that true?"

You smile, "That's correct. It'll be my first time back since moving to the UK and as much as I love you all, I couldn't pass up the chance to celebrate with my old classmates."

"She'll be back in time for the ranking ceremony though," interjects the man to your left. All eyes, including yours, turn to him now –Britain's No.2 Hero: Blackout. Or as you know him: Adrian Downing, your fiance of 3 months.

Adrian smirks then, taking your hand in his and places a kiss on the back of it, "Rest assured everyone," he says, eyes never leaving yours, "we won't let Japan keep our darling No.1 Hero away for long."

You blush, playfully nudging him and the crowd eats it up. A cacophony of clicks rattling off as photographers dash to capture the moment that would no doubt be on the front page of every British newspaper by tomorrow morning. And who could blame them? You and Adrian were the most famous couple in Britain besides the royals. The people adored the idea of their No.1 and 2 heroes dating. God only knew what kind of ruckus they would stir up once they found out you were engaged.

You and Adrian hadn't yet announced your engagement. Keeping it a secret it had been your idea –a way to buy yourself some peace over the course of your 4-month vacation back home. Adrian agreed without complaint, suggesting you both hold off on the big news until you returned home for the annual ranking ceremony in London. It would be difficult being away from him but as Britain's No.2 Hero, he had an obligation to stay behind in your absence in case of a national crisis.

Adrian squeezed your hand just then, bringing you back down to earth. You realised with a start that the room was already emptying out and that the conference was over. "I know that look," Adrian says, "What's got you so worried all of a sudden?"

You shrug, standing with him as your agents usher you over to the exit. "Nothing, just thinking."

Adrian cocks a brow, "Come on, Y/N. Out with it."

You groan, giving in as you lace your fingers with his. "I'm not so sure this is such a good idea."

"What is?"

"Japan," you clarify.

Adrian sighs, brows knitting together, "Oh dear. Not this again. I thought we talked about this, darling? I'm sure they're all dying to see you after so long, so what's the worry?"

"I haven't been back since I graduated," you remind him, "I've been too scared to."

"Is it the media you're afraid of?"

It's not just them. You want to say but don't. I just can't bear the thought of facing him.

"Don't think I've forgotten all those scathing articles they wrote in the first few months after I moved," you assert, "All that stuff about me defecting to fight for a nation that's not even my own? They think I've got some sort of superiority complex! Like I was too good to stay local."

How Do You Like Me Now? // Pro Hero Deku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now