Lie To Me

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When he kisses you now, you sense none of the urgency from before -when he'd first caught your lips in the hallway outside your suite. This kiss is deliberately slower, more sensual. It screams less of his desperation to taste you and more of his painstaking efforts to never forget. His calloused palm goes to meet the nape of your neck with a tenderness that breaks your heart and you press against him.

He even holds you less tightly now. And you cannot tell which terrifies him more: the thought of hurting you or that at some point he will have to let you go. Part of you understands that he cannot afford the brashness and heat of your last encounter. Not that he would want it anyway. There is no room for lust here tonight, not with so much on the line.

You realize with a pang of guilt that every moment from here on out is what he will cling to when you are gone. These are the precious memories that will claw their way into his mind unbidden on days when he is most tired. When he feels your absence like a wound that can never be mended. And perhaps you will leave him tonight feeling equally as wounded.

You cannot escape the reality that no matter how things may unfold tonight, that there will be no leaving him unscathed. And it is with the acceptance of this that you are able to make your next decision.

Gently, you pull away from him to cast your gaze back at the heavy double doors across the room.

"What is it?" he asks.

"Lock the doors," you say.

It's as if you've spoken a different language. Midoriya stalls, momentarily baffled but then he nods, quickly recuperating as he steps away to do your bidding. As he does, you loosen the collar of your uniform and move to stand behind his desk, resting your hands on his massive armchair.

Midoriya's office is luxurious. Less like a dull office and more like a private den with the wall to the left boasting a wall entirely made of glass that allows a stunning view of the city below.

You hear a loud click as Midoriya locks the doors and a secret smile tugs at the corner of your mouth. His hesitance is clear in his posture, by the tension in his shoulders and slight hunch. He's on his guard as your eyes lock across the room.

"Hit the lights, Izu."

Again, he hesitates briefly. But he does as you command without protest, flipping the switch at the wall. His gaze is unwavering. You suppress a smirk.

He was always so good at following orders. It'd been that way since you were kids. Yet another thing that never changed, you think. It makes you wonder if this next bit hasn't either. You hope to god you're right.

You pull his chair back and out from his desk. "Sit."

"Y/N, what're-"

"Sit," you repeat. He swallows hard and steps forward without a word more.

You try not to show how much his obedience pleases you as he sinks down into the plush leather of the chair. You come around to stand in front of him. The dim light of dusk that barely lights the room casts him in a dewy haze and you think again of how beautiful he is.

He's still in his hero's uniform, which (by some miracle) is devoid of any of the sweat that yours weathered during today's trudge through the city's streets. You're stood between his knees, caught between him and the desk.

And with his unflinching gaze set upon you, you begin to undress. It is nerve-wracking to hold his gaze at first but once his eyes begin to travel you hungrily, you can't help but shiver under the weight of those green eyes. You watch how they trace your every movement, watching you unbutton, unzip and peel back each layer of your hero uniform until you are left in only your underwear and sports bra. His broad shoulders heave at the sight of you but it is the only giveaway that he offers.

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