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In one fluid movement, he has you pressed back against the wall with his hips pinning yours firmly in between. You gasp. The hand at your neck tilts your jaw up to his lips where he begins a slow assault on your skin. Your eyes flutter shut upon contact as your lips part for him. Already blooming beneath his touch. His free hand moves to clasp your hip. His voice is thicker and lower as he speaks between kisses now.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted you," he kisses the corner of your jaw.

"How many times I dreamed about just showing up at your door one day."

Up to the point below your earlobe.

"How I panicked when I heard you were coming back."

Lips drag a wet stripe along the slope of your neck.

"I was an anxious mess every day just waiting until I got to see you again. Wondering if you'd even remember me at all."

You cant help the breathless moan that escapes you as his tongue darts along the valley above your collarbone.

"I stayed awake all night last night thinking about what I'd say to you."

"Izuku please," you whine, although you aren't quite sure what it is you're pleading for. Your hands have long since come up to steady yourself on the broadness of his shoulders.

Feeling the way you squirm beneath him, he grudgingly rips himself back just enough to look you in the face. He holds your gaze so firmly then. Desperation unlike anything you'd ever seen dresses him from head to toe. He's clearly on edge, awaiting your response with bated breath. But your thoughts are so muddled it's difficult to even speak with him so near.

"Dammit, Y/N," he huffs, gently squeezing your hip, "Say something. Please. I'm dying over here."

"Izu, I..." you start but forming the words is a struggle all its own. Knowing what you did now, you knew what you were about to say would hurt him beyond repair but you could not bear to lead him on any further. "I'm so sorry," you say, "but I'm engaged."

Fresh tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you watch the wave of emotions rock through him. First the shock, then the resignation and then finally... the anger. He steps away, taking all the warmth with him. You feel something in you begin to crumble. His large hands tighten at his sides as he holds your gaze.

"I see," he says. "Congratulations."

"Izu wait, just listen to me. I was going to tell you sooner but-"

"Blackout, right?" he cuts you off and the sudden smile plastered across his face makes your stomach turn. It's a smile only a seasoned public figure could master –the sort you wear in a crisis. A smile full of reassurance but little conviction. So warm yet so false.

"He seems lovely. Really," Midoriya continues, "I'm happy for you, doll."

He turns then, moving toward the door, "I should probably head back in. Todoroki will be looking for me by now."

"Izuku wait!" you beg but the door has already shut behind him.

Midoriya's POV

He leaves the bar in a hurry. Feigning an emergency call in order to lure Bakugou away from the pool tables and back to the car. Together they say their quick goodbyes to the group before taking their leave.

"What're they calling you in for this time?" Bakugou grumbles as he reverses out of the parking lot and hits the road, "I know you're their shitty No.1 and all but can't the assholes let you have one night off?"

Midoriya shakes his head from where he's slumped in the passenger's seat. "There's no emergency, Kacchan."

The blonde man shoots him a glare, "What do you mean? You lied!?"

"She's engaged, Katsuki," Midoriya murmurs, ignoring the irritation in his friend's voice.

With those few words, Bakugou is immediately subdued, the anger on his face slinking away into an expression closer to concern for his friend. The car is silent for a moment then, both men staring out at the city lights quietly as they drive.

"Fuck," Bakugou finally says and all Midoriya can do is chuckle a little at his candid reaction.

"Fuck indeed," he echoes.

"It's not that loser boyfriend, is it?"

Midoriya shrugs dejectedly, "Could only be."

Bakugou grits his teeth. "Goddammit!" he barks, "I warned you, you nerd! I always said you'd regret not going after her."

Midoriya's jaw clenches as he looks out his window. "You're really not helping, Kacchan."

"But was I wrong!?" he snaps, "You think for even a second she would have given that extra a chance if she'd known about you?"

"She doesn't feel the same, alright!?" Midoriya growls, "She never did!"

Bakugou scoffs, side-eyeing the freckled man. "Come on, Deku," he groans, "I know you're not all that bright but you can't tell me you're that fucking dense. That girl's wanted you since day one and everyone knows it!"

Midoriya is shaking by now, his anger barely in check as he seethes in his seat. "Yeah!? Then why did she leave?" he counters, "In what world does disappearing for three years spell 'I want you'?"

"The fuck if I know," Bakugou retorts, "I never said she was perfect, I just said she loves you."

Midoriya pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. "God, this is a shit show. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I practically spilt my guts to her back there."

"Relax nerd," the No.2 chides, "Beating yourself up about it is no use. What's done is done, alright? It's her move now. There's nothing more you can do for the time being."

"And if she decides I'm a fool?" Midoriya dares to ask.

Bakugou is quiet for a moment, truly considering the question before he speaks again. "Then we'll both know who the real foolish one is." 

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