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Darkness surrounded them, there were no emergency lights, so it was pretty clear that the backup generator failed as well. Morso began to nervously examine the surroundings. "Darn weather. It's as if this the Lower Creator doesn't want us reading this book." Morso said. Prirmenha fumbled around in her bag and pulled out a flash light. She flipped it on and Flel reached for it and turned it off immediately. "It could be them... Quiet!". The sound of doors closing and footsteps walking around in the dark was heard around them throughout the library. No talking or screaming though. "It is them" whispered Prirmenha. "Sit tight" said Flel. Morso was already quiet. From the moment the lights went out Morso was already putting the book in his pack. The sounds of gunshots were slightly heard in the distance but it was difficult to know what was going on from the library. Flel was thinking about his father, but there was nothing he could do at this point especially when the lives of his two friends would be in danger if he ran out or even made the small sound of unlocking the door. More footsteps went by their window. The door knob began turning back and forth and some illegible voices were heard outside their room. The party of three still stayed as quiet as possible.

Flel remembered where everything and everyone was in the room before the lights went out. He crouched down on the carpet when the door knob shook again and he was relieved when it sounded like the footsteps went in the other direction. The sounds of doors closed in the distance but the three held their ground until there were no more sounds. Morso spoke up, "The library is clear. They all just left, I can't see any more of them in here. I have the book.". Flel stood on his feet, "Morso, can you see my father?". It was still pitch black but Flel could already sense the disdain in Morso. "Your father is not able to be viewed. I am not..." Flel interrupted, "Let's go and try to get our supplies. Are they transhumant Morso? Is it them?" "Yes." he responded.

Flel unlocked the door and the three of them snuck out of the room. Prirmenha switched on her flashlight with her thumb positioned ready to turn it off at a second's notice. As they made their way to the libraries exit, Prirmenha switched off the flashlight when the path was clear of tables and chairs and only used it when necessary. Flel kept thinking about his father and how bad his health had become recently. There is no way he could fend for himself if someone barged in and shot at him... besides... The exit door of the library that leads to the main hall had a small window. Prirmenha turned off her flash light and peered through the window, with no backup generator operating it was impossible to see anything. Morso concentrated a bit and reached the conclusion that there were probably no more transhumants in the area beyond the door. He also noticed that there appeared to be no more humans as well. "My remote viewing has been known to not be one hundred percent accurate, especially if I am not very familiar with the area in which I am doing it. I am not sure what all of the rooms that branch out from the hallway look like, so I am not sure if my viewing is correct. I do believe its okay to proceed though, Flel you should go first and I will follow with the book." he whispered.

Flel slowly cracked open the door. The door squeaked so he pushed a little harder to prevent a longer noise. It seemed to echo throughout the library. He stopped outside the door and waited for Morso and Prirmenha. Prirmenha flashed her light quickly and that was all Flel needed to know where to go next. He felt Morso's hand on his shoulder holding on so he would not get lost. Still crouching, the three of them made their way down the hall and still there was only silence.

They came to Prirmenha's door. She quietly opened the door for them to go in. She turned on her flash light and quickly began packing another bag full of extra clothes, food, and drink. She pulled out a folded piece of paper from a bookcase next to her bed, "this is a map my sister drew up. She loved cartography and spent her entire life drawing maps like these. I always thought it was interesting that the Spire was on it. Here it is just labeled as ruins, but it could help us to find an efficient way to get there and avoid any unnecessary hills." "Good find" remarked Flel, "See you are finding ways to be useful already". The sound of thunder shook the walls of her room. "It gets pretty loud when the wind kicks up at night and during storms like these. If you haven't guessed or viewed it already Morso, my room shares the wall of the encampment." After gathering what she needed, she escorted the others out of her room. The proceeded to follow Flel to his room.

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