One heart, One soul, all of you belongs to me: Incubus Trafalgar Law x reader

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A/n: This is more of a Lime than a Lemon but I could do a part 2 if you want.

Y/n's pov: I knew that making a deal with a Demon was a bad idea, I hadn't thought so at the time, you see my name is Y/n L/n , and I'm married to a Demon, not just any demon.... An incubus, we first met in my dreams, the meeting was odd because as long as I could remember I never had dreams.... of course I hadn't known that he was the one creating them, he introduced himself as Trafalgar Law, the name struck a chord with me, something about it felt familiar, and as our nightly meetings continued, like a distant memory I recalled, That boy with white led disease I had met so long ago, and the deal that we both made... (old memory of the boy: "It's a promise then, we'll become husband and wife when we're older, I promise I'll get healthy and come look for you Y/n ya...!" Memory end.) "I remember now, Law what happened to you...?"

Law's pov: "I grew up, I got better thanks to Cora-san, but his efforts where wasted, I died, but I didn't stay dead, I never forgot about you not once.... in hell I thought about you for so long, how much I missed you and how I wanted to feel your touch again, you have no idea how long I missed you, sure when we made that promise as children I hadn't thought much about it, but ever since I turned there’s been this animalistic urge to take you, to make you mine, to have you submit to my will, to make you so aroused that you give me your everything....mmmh, your body is growing hotter, does my appearance turn you on, do you like my eyes...? They're still that dull siverish grey, I know you love them.... your heart is beating faster, are you scared.... or are you excited, hmm, I can't quite tell, maybe I should give you that needed attention... I have a proposition for you y/n, if you give me your soul, I'll make you feel immense pleasure my love.... I won't take it literally, because you mean more to me alive, but I want you dear, so will you let me take you, take your everything and your heart too....?"

Y/n's pov: will it hurt...?

Law's pov: "I really, really have an interest in you, I don't want anyone else to claim you, I can smell that you're still a Virgin, you have no idea... no idea, how happy that makes me....I promise It won't hurt, in fact you'll enjoy it, I'll be very very gentle with you y/n ya, I was a doctor after all..."

Y/n's pov: "So you did it, you did achieve your dreams, I'm glad, but I'm not sure I want to this, so can you just stay back, I love you but can we just be frien-"

Law's pov: "What do you mean stay back, I won't take no for an answer, please I haven’t fed off someone's energy In awhile, you wouldn't starve me would you, and I thought we were close, you won't let me die again would you...?"

Y/n's pov: "If I make this deal, you'll stop hiding in the corner of my room like a kicked puppy, honestly For a Demon it's kind of pathetic...."

Law's pov: do you really mean it, you'll become my wife...!

Y/n's pov: "I don't really have much of a choice here its either that or I loose my closest friend again...."

Law's pov: "Then it's a deal..."

Y/n's pov: Just as we shook hands Law pulled me closer towards him and whispered in my ear- "You're wearing to much clothing, let's fix that..." and then he stripped me of my clothes, starting with my shirt, then my bra, my shorts, and then my underwear....

Law's pov: "You look even better naked..."

Y/n's pov: He kissed me, it felt very passionate, with it I could feel his lust and his desire... "And I think someone else needs to remove their clothes, it's not very fair that you still have all of yours on..." As I said that he let go and rapidly started pulling off his clothes, his lust clearly being the driving factor...

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