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After a few days, jungkook was on his way home turning on his motorbike before someone stopping him

" There you are, I was looking all over for you " Suho says leaning on his motorbike

" Oh you're my fiancé's friend, nice to see you again " Jungkook replies holding his helmet

" Likewise but I've been meaning to talk to you, taehyung is a mafia leader but you know he has other people on the side besides you "

" What are you talking about? "

" I didn't wanna say anything because well V is my bro but you seem like a nice kid so he's definitely playing you "

" This isn't funny suho "

" I'm not trying to be, I think you deserve the honest truth and your just one of his sides, he has many others "

" Thanks for telling me then " Jungkook replies fidgeting with his ring looking down putting on his helmet leaving quickly

" Phase one complete "

As for taehyung, he was at work then he heard a knock from his office seeing it was his assistant

" Mr. Kim, Mr. Yook is here to see you and he won't leave till he does "

" Send him in "

Sungjae walked in shutting the door from behind him leaning against the door seductively as the older was looking at paperwork before setting it down

" What do you want sungjae? I thought I said I didn't wanna see you again "

" You did, but I know deep down inside of you and I know very well you're missing me pleasuring you in bed " Sungjae says sitting on his desk

" Are you done? " Taehyung replies not fazed at all

Sungjae had to stick to the plan as he stood infront of the older placing his hands on his chest

" I've missed you, when I first came back you ravaged the hell out of me "

" That's because I imagined you were someone else now move " Taehyung says moving his hands off his chest

Sungjae scoffs then climbs on his lap wrapping his arms around his neck

" Let's go back to that "

" Sungjae, no I love jungkook and I'm loyal to him now get off me "

" What if he cheats on you? " Sungjae places his hand on the older's cheek

" He loves me, he wouldn't "

" My tae, I just don't want you getting hurt.. " Sungjae leaned in to kiss the older's lips pushing him off

" Sorry but I'm in love with jungkook and nothing about that will change "

Jungkook burst in his office breathing heavily as he saw sungjae was on the floor and taehyung had a loosened for and a few buttons undone

" Hey baby bunny, finished college already? "

" So it's true.. "

" What is? "

Jungkook tears up as the older went to him holding his arms

" Baby, what's the matter? "

" DON'T TOUCH ME! " Jungkook shouts at him moving his arms as sungjae smirked

" Babe, what's going on? "

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