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The next day, jungkook woke up with a slight headache reaching over for the older

" Taee, I wanna cuddle "

The younger realizes where he is confused remembering everything that happened last night covering his mouth in shock before running out

" Tae! "

Jungkook looked around as it was empty then grabs his phone deciding to call him

' I'm sorry this person you are trying to reach is unavailable, please leave a message after the tone '

Jungkook hung up as he felt awful for how he treated him then gets dressed grabbing his motorbike keys about to head out until suho came

" Hey sexy, heading somewhere? "

" I'm going to find taehyung "

" for what? "

" to try to make him forgive me for what I said yesterday "

" Why bother? He's with someone else already "

" no he isn't.. That just means our relationship meant nothing and I am just one of his sides "

" Didn't I tell you? "

" I don't care, I'm not giving up on him even if he has someone else "

" You'll just get tossed away like trash if you go after him, just face it he doesn't want you anymore "

" Suho, I fucking love him now get out my way "

Jungkook shoved him on the shoulder leaving with the house door locked then headed to the older's work

As he arrived, he saw sungjae with the older's driver

" and make sure my husband gets home every single time "

" Yes Mrs. Kim "

Jungkook's heart dropped as he teared up going in the building letting him in the older's office knowing who he was

Jungkook burst in his office doors as he locked it then breathes heavily seeing taehyung having his hands on the railings looking down at everyone

The younger got closer to him then stood behind him as the wind blew

" Tae? "

" What is it jungkook? "

" I want to apologize for what I said yesterday.. I didn't mean it whatsoever "

" Great, thanks "

Taehyung walks passed him as jungkook grabbed his arm clinging onto it

" Tae, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean any of those things I said.. I love you alot, please don't leave me.. "

" Yet you still let suho kiss you.. "

" I was drunk.. Please forgive me.. "

Taehyung moved his arm away from the younger as jungkook felt his heartbreak until the door opened and closed

" Hi Hubby, your driver was rude " Sungjae says to taehyung until he notices the younger " why is he here? "

" just leaving " Taehyung replies

Jungkook made the older face him holding his chest

" Did your feelings for me change overnight? Do you not love me anymore..? " Jungkook's voice breaks

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