The Begining... 2013

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Well, I was a absolute horror junky. I was the kind of girl who owned almost any kind of horror film you could ever imagine. One day at school my friends were talking about something called "The Slenderman" and of course I had to know what it was. That night I went home and eventually became obsessed with him. I liked all that dumb fangirl shit that littered the Internet when I came across Jeff the Killer. I found him cute (like every Creepypasta weeboo) and it began my new obsession. I'd told all my friends about this new obsession of mine and they liked the story too. I constantly talked about Jeff the Killer to my friends as if he was real. I can still remember how awesome I felt about this obsession. I was always a pretty talented artist and I lived only a couple blocks down from a dollar tree, and this is where I got sketchbooks, pencils, and sharpies. Then my whole Jeff the Killer thing went to a whole other level of insane. I began to draw him constantly. But the time this phase was over (took me about 1-2 years to stop the obsession) I had 5 full sketchbooks full of just him plus plenty of notebooks and loose paper. I literally fell in love with this character. To me he was different, something I had never seen before. Then after about 2 months of this obsession it happened. I was at my dads for the weekend and he had a huge backyard and it was always extremely dark back there. Well, I was listening to music on the couch where I liked to sleep and it was about 1:30am when I heard someone bang on the window 3 times followed by insane laughing and the back door opening. Everyone was asleep and there was no way anyone could have been fucking with me. I hid under my blanket and looked up to see nothing. My cats were staring at the laundry room where the door was as if someone (or something) was in there. This lead me to believe it was really there, and at this moment of time, I strongly believed it was Jeff the Killer. I was happy and scared at the same time. Now I'd finally had a reason to believe he was real, and he was stalking me. This only made my obsession worse. I told my friends what happened and they believed me. Some friends even said they have seen him before too. My imagination ran wild at the thought that Jeff the Killer was interested in me. The illusions didn't stop. And soon they followed me to my moms house. Sometimes at my dads I would see him run pass the back porch window or look out to see him kneeling at the bottom of the stairs as if he was trying to hide from me seeing him. Eventually I began to go in the back yard with a pocket knife as if trying to see him. I would usually see him looking at me from behind the shed but I was always scared to get close. One day when the sun was going down I sat in the backyard and saw Jeff with his head towards the ground with his hood on. A man on a bike rode by and I could see his jaw drop as he looked at Jeff. This put no doubt in my mind that Jeff the Killer was real and always was near by me. Some parts of my memory are hard for me to remember, but I use to see him a lot. When I was at moms, walking to my bus stop, I'd see kneeling behind a bush or car. Then my imagination expanded. I saw Slenderman a few times along with Masky, Hoodie,Observer, and even a few experiences with BEN. For Hoodie, BEN, and Observer, well you can ask my best friend, she was there. On October 28, 2013 my Best friend invited me to her family's friends house for a Halloween party/sleepover. Me and her were alone in the dark back yard talking when I saw a hoody peeking from in the bushes. I ran towards it saying "give me a hug Jeff!" As a joke only as I got close I saw Hoodie's mask reflect some light. I ran back yelling "that's not Jeff it's Hoodie it's Hoodie!" And I jumped around my best friend (the location of the house there was no way it was a prank, it was almost impossible to sneak back there). Then my experience with BEN was creepy as fuck and sure as hell no illusion. I bought my best friend a Link plush as a joke because she liked BEN. Well to make it more similar to BEN we colored the eyes in with red sharpie. She shut the light of and the eyes seemed to be black. She turned the lights back on and without us even touching the doll it's eyes turned pitch black. Me and her freaked out and tightly locked the doll up. To this day she can't find the doll. Now me and her have had quite a few experiences with Observer who we saw as her equivalent to my Jeff dilemma. One night she had a dream about him, yet I never ever mentioned him to her till after she told me her dream. Then when we had a sleepover and she always locks her bedroom door after leaving to go downstairs. Well mid-way through do it she looked at me, leaving the door partially open, and pass her I saw him sneaky towards her closet and I yelled at her to shut the door. I told her what happened and she kinda freak out. It made me nervous to be in her house when it was dark. And if she left for the bathroom, I would go with only to be left in the pitch black shadows of her house. Another time she had someone or something stroke her leg from the bottom of the bed and she freaked out. I swear on my life I didn't move a single inch when she was touched. And once when she was alone, someone tapped on her window as If something was trying to get in. The next day her screen was missing which was super strange and scary to her. July 5, 2013 is when I saw Jeff again. When we pulled into the drive way at my dads house, Jeff ran across the street about 2 or 3 houses down and kneeled down behind a car. I've had other experiences with Jeff but they are hard to remember. One time when I was walking home from school I stupidly forgot my headphones at home. And as I walked down this street alone, I heard someone clearly whisper "hey" in a flirtatious tone into my ear and as I looked around no one was around me. I ran home that night wonder if it was Jeff but of course I knew it was Jeff. Another time I was quietly siting in my room drawing  Jeff, when someone said hey again. I said "I'm just hearing things" and the same voice responded "no you're not" and I got nervously scared. Every where I went I saw Jeff and it got to the point where my parents almost sent me away. This whole Jeff obsession died down when I meant my current boyfriend, who has been with me for 1 year and 4 months now. Even though my illusions of Jeff stopped I still saw things. I moved to a place where I swear I saw The Rake. When walking across the field to go inside  (it was about 11pm) I vividly saw a creature run across the field about 10 feet infront of me. Eventually my best friend moved to and now there's unexplainable things gapping there also. She's seen what we believe to be Observer walk across the house across from her plus once when we were outside in the front yard at midnight, and insane laughter stated to approach us. My stomach dropped and I yelled at my best friend to get inside. Now that I think back on it, it could've been another Jeff related thing, but we both heard it. Plus we seen a wolf like demon thing in the other yard. My best friend has seen a face on top of a shed next to her house. But It could've been a ghost because someone commuted suicide in the house next to her. Now she's moving again and hopefully nothing happens there. Well that's my story, i know I'm missing some memories of everything that happened, so when they come back to me I'll update this :3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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