Chapter Twenty Seven (Part II)

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“Well, hello again Beautiful, this must really be my lucky week.” That suave voice that she’d heard last week stirred few memories for Tori. It was overshadowed in her mind by so many other more orgasmic and antagonistic events in her week so far. She smiled in false recognition, knowing it would probably come back to her, she was good with faces.

Her head snapped up, though, as she caught a glimpse of the Ray Bans on the table next to a bottle of very, very expensive Shiraz that she’d recoiled at the price of when Jayden had read out the wine list to her earlier, and his heavy set, aggressive looking companion.

That guy from the cafe ... what was his name? Seth? He still had a hold on her wrist.

Looking up at her, from his reclining position at the table, with a seductive grin that, no doubt, had women all over the country dropping their knickers at the mere sight of it, and, for some reason, she shuddered slightly.  

Or didn’t Jayden say he was gay?

She was struggling to manoeuvre her way through her own memories!

His companion sat sullenly watching their exchange, his black eyes not missing a trick as they watched her tug back her wrist from the Frenchman’s tighter than necessary grip. Her pale, porcelain skin flushed an angry red at the abrasion.

“Hello, again,” she smiled nervously, deciding not to mention the fact that he’d just bruised her skin for absolutely no reason.

“Tori is it? What are you doing here so far out of the city looking so delectable?” he was making no bones about leering over her body, so much so that she shifted nervously on her feet, she could’ve sworn that Jayden said he was gay! What the fuck?

“It’s Vittoria, Vittoria Casey, I’m so sorry, I seem to have completely drawn a blank ...”

“I’m crushed, Cherie, I’m Sebastienne, and my associate here, is Antonio.” For the first time, he gestured to the menacing mountain of a man sat opposite from him, who nodded a greeting, but his glittering eyes and set jaw were far from welcoming.

“And you never answered my question, Cherie?”

Her jaw set, he was talking to her like a child, and his voice felt sickly sweet. That gentle persona that she vaguely remembered had disappeared. She smiled exaggeratedly, “I was under the impression that it was a mere polite enquiry? Was I under some obligation to answer?”

He looked visibly taken aback, shock descended over his features, and a deep chuckle escaped from his friend, who she’d instantly recognised as the first man outside of her gallery that afternoon.

“My date’s waiting, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll get back to him.” She held up her head as she spoke, determined that this snake in the grass would not intimidate her. In the cafe, he’d had an aura about him that was completely clouded now. Now it was black, and gnarly.

She watched anger descend over him as he sat upright in his seat, reaching for his large glass of red, and taking a slow sip.

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