Chapter 8

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Ethan's POV:

I do realize that if we are caught, mom is gonna be disappointed and we are going to be in trouble, but it's important. I have a feeling that if we look in here, we will find out what we are up against. Then, I found it. "Hey guys, check this out." Mason and Melanie came over and looked at what I had in my hand. "What is is, Ethan?" Melanie asked. "I think, that this is what we've been looking for. It's a letter." "What does it say, brother?" Mason asked. "It says:

Dear Alpha Oliver and Luna Angela,                                                                                                  July 10

This is the Alpha and Luna of the Black Heart Pack. We am writing to let you know, that we have information on a certain enemy of yours, Eunice Harris.

He has joined with a lot of hunters, and even got some rogues and other were-animals to join him.He has many soldiers now.

He has attacked my pack, and I am asking for your help, as yours is the strongest pack. I realize this puts you in danger as well, but we need your help.

We shall work together to get through this war. Please send your answer as soon as possible.

Alpha Jayden and Luna Selene."

"Is that all it says?" Melanie asked. I nodded. "It looks like it's dated last month." Mason stated looking at the date on the letter. "Wait! Dad, Uncle Max, and Uncle Daniel and some more of dad's warriors went somewhere around that time. Do you think-?" "That dad agreed to help this Alpha Jayden?" I cut him off. "It's possible, little brother. But, if so, I wonder what happened.." Just then we heard the door open. "Guys! Get out of there! Papa is back with Uncle Daniel!" Hayden whispered frantically to us. We quickly put everything back and rushed out of the office just in time. I could see that Mel had an idea, and I was about to find out what it was. "Hey kids. How's it going?" Uncle Max asked rubbing Hayden's head. "Um, good. But we had a question for you." "Ok, what is it, Melanie?" Uncle Daniel asked her sitting down on the couch in the living room. "Well, we heard about the fighting that happened at the Blood Heart Pack, and we wondered what happened? Who won?" He looked at her. This was going to be interesting..Mel your an idiot sometimes! "Melanie, where did you hear this?" "Oh, uh, around. I forget exactly where. But, what happened?" He sighed. "I'm not sure. The enemy ran away but didn't surrender. We were left with many wounded and some dead. I think..they will be back. You must be ready to run to the safe house. Do you understand?" Melanie nodded. The three of us looked at each other. We now knew what we were fighting against. Now, to figure out when and how to get to the battle field.

The next day, after school, I went out into the woods for a run. I had gone much deeper into the woods than I normally would go. "Mate." my wolf, Noir, said suddenly. I turned and looked. I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. But, she had the smell of a rogue, and also something different..Something strange I had never smelt before. I shifted back. "I am sorry. I did not know there was a pack here. I was just exploring." Her voice was like..the most beautiful thing I had ever heard! "That's quite alright, miss. Are you lost?" She shook her head. "No, I was just on my way back to look for my father and his men. Our leader will be wondering where I am." "Who is your leader, if you don't mind my asking? I have never heard of a rogue having a leader." She looked down at the ground. "Our leader is Eunice Harris. He says he wants peace between were-animals and humans, but we need to take down the Silver Star Pack first because they are against it and want to hurt others." "That is wrong, miss. I am Ethan, the future Alpha of the Silver Star Pack. And I know that your leader is a hunter, who despises all were-kind. He was my mother's father. But, something happened. Something very bad. I don't know what because it upsets my parents too much to talk about. But you have to believe me, you and your family, and any others with him, are in grave danger." "Are you sure, Ethan?" I nodded. She looked at me as if trying to decide whether to trust me or not. "I am June. I thank you for your warning. I shall tell my father quickly." "Please, meet me here tomorrow and let me know what he said." She nodded. "Goodbye, Ethan." I watched as she ran off into the woods. I found my mate...I found my mate! I couldn't wait to tell everyone! I wasn't thinking about how they were going to react to the fact that she was the enemy. But, I did know that I now wanted to protect her as well as my siblings. I just met her, but I already loved her. I just wonder what the future holds for us..

June's POV:

I ran back to camp after talking with Ethan. He was so nice. I could tell he was my mate. He already knew I was a rogue, but he didn't know I wasn't a wolf. And I wasn't sure I wanted to tell him. Most people don't like us..That is why I'm nervous. What am I? you ask. I am a vampire. I am not evil, like books say about us. We aren't like that anymore. We are strong indeed, but we don't go sucking blood for fun! That is disgusting and wicked. I ran into the tent where my father was and told him everything..except the meeting we had planned for the next day. "He is lying, June! Eunice is not an evil hunter. He is a good man. I feel sorry that you have such a bad mate. Reject him, June. I will not have a lying, future Alpha of out enemy pack as a son-in-law." "No! I will not reject him! He isn't lying, father!" I exclaimed. My father though, he wouldn't listen. I couldn't stand it anymore and ran off. I ran to the spot I met Ethan and sat down on the ground. I out my head in my hands and cried. It is said that vampires don't cry, but we do. Some of us don't, but others do. When we don't cry, it is normally for the same reason you don't cry. You want to feel grown up and not like a baby. The next day, I met Ethan at the spot and told him what my father said. He said his father was sick, but he had a chance to talk to him. He said that he wanted to meet me. I was nervous, but went along with him. I had no idea what was going to happen. Was the Alpha gonna torture me?! Was he gonna banish me far far away?! What was going to happen?!

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