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"The Conclave;Part 2"

Nova holds onto her stomach as she runs into a room

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Nova holds onto her stomach as she runs into a room. When she finds out it's empty she leans against the wall and takes a breather until the door suddenly opens and she doesn't hesitate to get her sword ready.

"It's me" Iris calls out with her hands up in the hair while holding her weapon. Nova swallows a lump in her throat and slowly backs away from her. "What are you doing?" Nova breathes out as she sits down on the table and holds her stomach. "You're in pain. You shouldn't have done this" Iris says as she looks out the small window.

"I had no choice" Nova says and Iris scoffs. "Stop saying that. You always have a choice" Iris states and Nova shrugs, "You do. So, why'd you kill Naira?" Nova asks and Iris looks to Nova and shakes her head. "You're still on this, right now? We're in a war and you're talking about me killing Naira?" Iris questions and Nova nods her head slowly.

"You think i'll forget? I'll never forget what you've done. Not even in a war. Besides, we're on different sides" Nova breathes out as she stands to her feet. "We can form an alliance" Iris suggests and Nova shakes her head. "Not a chance" Nova replies.

"Why not? We can protect each other" Iris says and Nova tilts her head at Iris. "Are you afraid?" Nova asks and Iris rolls her eyes. "All the other clans are doing it" Iris replies and Nova shrugs her shoulders.

"Then I guess we're not other clans" Nova says as she steps towards Iris. "Nova, I love you and I don't want you die. Not like this!" Iris confesses and Novas face softens as she looks into Iris's eyes. "I don't want to see you anymore because if I do. I-I'll kill you" Nova says as a tear slides down her cheek, "Don't worry about my life anymore because that's not your job. We're over Iris. Over" Nova says as she pushes past Iris and leaves the room quickly wiping the tear from her face.

While Nova was walking around outside she heard footsteps getting closer so she hid behind a wooden board until they got farther away. She left the spot and turned around and there was some with a mask over his face. "Thanatos is here!" He yells and Nova internally screams and turns around to see a guy and a girl who had just ran past her turn around. The 3 of them run up and surround her and she looks around at them not knowing what to do first until llian jumps off a roof and starts fighting one of them. Nova furrows her eyebrows in confusion but is brought back to reality when the girl swings her sword at Nova and Nova blocks it, kicking her in the chest making her take a few steps back. "Ah!" the who was with the women screams and knocks Nova over with his shield. Nova holds her leg and looks up to the man standing above her about to finish her but she rolls out of the way standing up quickly and swinging her sword towards him while llian stayed and fought the other guy on the side. llian and Nova touched backs and looks over each others shoulder.

"This means nothing" Nova says and llian chuckles softly. "Didn't think it did" llian replies and Nova grabs a box off the ground and hits the women upside the head with it to give her time to knock the other man to the ground. The women stood back up and tried to tackle Nova but she ducked out of the way and at the same time llian ducked out of the way from his opponent making the man with the mask over his face stab the women right in the chest with his axe leaving an even number.

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