Chapter 5- Stood Up

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Wc: 1364

*Your Pov*
As Peter and I walked to school, arms linked, I couldn't help but feel butterflies from our bodies touching. I felt a bit impulsive in the moment, and I reached for Peter's hand, intertwining our fingers. Peter flinched at the sudden touch. "Sorry.." I said, letting go of his hand. "No no, put it back" he said, grabbing my hand. I blushed. He smiled at me, me returning the smile. We continued to walk, hands linked.

Once we arrived at school, we met up with Ned at his locker. After talking with Ned for a bit, Peter and I made our way to calculus. "So, what was that all about this morning?" Peter asked. "What do you mean? "When you held my hand" he said, blushing a bit. "OH! That! Yeah um, I don't know, I guess you make me feel safe, so I wanted to. Sorry if I made you uncomfy" I frowned a bit. "No it's okay! I-I didn't mind" he tripped over his own words. "Noted." I smiled.

After my first class with Peter, and second and third with Mj, it was time for lunch! My personal favorite of course. I approached the table Ned and Peter were sitting at with a smile. "Hey guys!" I said, cheery. "What's got you in a good mood- is that Peter's sweater and sweat pants?" Ned asked, glancing back and forth between Peter and I. "Yeah. I think I'll have to take his clothes more often, they are very comfy." I joked. Well, half joked. I will be taking his clothes. "They look better on you anyways" Ned hyped me up. "Thanks man!" I thanked Ned. "Dude!" Peter was slightly offended. "Oh please, you know he's right" I smirked at Peter. I don't know why, but I felt flirty today. Peter and Ned both looked shocked at my comment. "Joking, it's a joke guys" I tried to save myself from the embarrassment. "I'm gonna go say hi to my friends" I lied.

*Peter's Pov*
"Dude, she was so flirting with you!" Ned tried telling me. "No she obviously wasn't! She was just making a joke.." I explained. "Okay, and why again is she wearing your clothes?" Ned asked. "She stayed the night and didn't have anything to wear" I said, not seeing a problem in that. "Bro?! She slept in your room with you?! You two seem to be getting close" Ned smirked. "Ned! All we did was play truth or dare" I said. I think I was trying to convince myself more than him that nothing was up. I mean, sure she held my hand, and yeah I guess her joke was flirty, and- okay. Maybe he's right.. I give up. "Omg dude. Did she ask you anything about a girlfriend or anything like that?" Ned asked. "I mean, once yeah. She asked if I have every dated anyone, but-" "Peter, go after her! I think she likes you" Ned tried to tell me. Why would she like me? We've only just met, I'm sure Ned it just being dumb. "Ned, no offense man, but you're dumb if you think she likes me! We only just met! And I'm not going after her, she's with her friends!" I told him. I hope I'm right about this. Like she said, she just felt safe around me. That's all. Plus, I like Liz! Yeah.. Right, Liz. "Dude, you know she doesn't have any other friends." "Ned, you know I like Liz, so if doesn't even matter!"  "I can't wait for the day you realize you're wrong" Ned said. "Hey! That's rude" I frowned.

*Your Pov*
I made my way to the same classroom that Mj was in yesterday. She wasn't in here today, so I was alone. I really didn't mind being alone, I actually preferred it over people. I ended up spending the rest of lunch in here, scrolling through Pinterest, which was pretty nice.


The last class of the day had just started, which was PE. I had it with Ned, Michelle, and Peter, which was nice knowing people. "Today we are going to be doing partner activities! Find your partner, then I'll explain what the activity is!" The gym teacher announced. I scanned the room, and saw Mj walking away from my direction. I couldn't help but feel a little sad, until I was met face to face by Peter. "Oh, hey Pete!" I smiled. "Hey, aren't you mad?" He asked, tilting his head. "No, why would I be mad?" I was confused. "Well you left at lunch and never came back." He sounded a bit disappointed. "Oh yeah. I do that sometimes. I like being alone, otherwise I get really anxious, and sometimes have attacks" I admitted. I don't usually talk about this kind of stuff openly, so he better feel special. "Oh, I'm really sorry about that, that must be hard" he apologized. "It's okay, I manage." I put on a fake smile. "Um, w-wanna be partners?" He stuttered. He seemed to do that a lot, which we seem to have in common, but it was kind of cute. "Sure!" I said. "I'm kind of hot in this sweater, so I'll be right back." I told him. I ran to the corner of the gym. I removed the sweater, revealing the cropped, skin-tight tank top May let me borrow. I hurried back over to Peter, not wanting to make him wait long. When I approached him, another girl seemed to be talking to him. "Oh, who's this?" The girl asked. She was pretty, but she seemed to have a cocky attitude lingering in her throat. "Oh- this is my friend, Y/n" Peter introduced me. "Hi! It's nice to meet you" I smiled. "Y/n, this is Liz" Peter said. "Hi." She said, bluntly. "Anyways, wanna be partners, Petey?" Liz batted her eyelashes up to him. Ew. "Actually, I'm partners with Y/n already, sorry" he said. She rolled her eyes and walked away. "Wow. W-where did you get that shirt? It looks really good on you" Peter complimented me. "Oh, t-thank you" I smiled. "May actually lended it to me!" I smiled. The shirt was a bit see-through, so my lace bralette was visible. Peter was staring at me for a few seconds until I spoke up. "Do I have something on my face?? Oh my god I do don't I-" "No no, you're just really pretty" Peter continued to compliment me. "Wow, thank you Pete."

After class was over, I grabbed my bag, and walked outside of the school. Peter ran up to me, out of breath. "Oh hi there" I said. "Hi back" he smiled. "Here, you forgot this" he said, handing me his sweater I wore today. "Oh- but it's yours" I stated. "I know. But like you said, it looks better on you anyways. Keep it" he smiled. "Oh Peter, I was just kidding" "but I'm not. Here, keep it" he insisted. "You going home?" He asked. "No, I think I'm gonna go to Queens Café" "wanna come with?" I asked, smiling at him. "Sure, why not." He smiled back. "I just have something I need to do, and then I'll meet you there" he told me. "Okay! See you there" I waved.

I just walked since it was only 15 minutes away.

After I made it, I texted Peter to see when he'd be here.

Hey Pete! Will you be here soon? :)

Hey! I'm on my way now! I'll be there in 5 ;)

Okay! I'll cya soon!:))


I waited. And waited.. And waited... and he never showed. I was there sitting all by myself for 3. Fucking. Hours. Finally I got up and just left. I tried to find my way home, and had to use google maps.

Once I was home, I yanked his sweater over my head and threw it on the ground. "What a sweetheart.." I sarcastically said. I decided I should go to bed early tonight since I stayed up way late last night. Oh boy, is Peter gonna have some explaining to do tomorrow.

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