Chapter 3

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Once again i had the same nightmare. As soon as i seen him i said.

"What do u want with me?"i ask.

"Thats simple all i want is for u to lose your lifes one by one." he snarled.

"thats not going to happen"i yowl as i jump on him.

For a while we fight untill we both seperate panting.

"your good" i say "but its not good enough".

"Oh realy because i cant die im already dead" he yowls as he jumps on me. This time i get him bleeding pretty badly. But like he said he cant die. so almost instantly hes wounds start to heal. While i was destracted he jumped on me a landed a killing blow to my neck. I layed there bleeding to death till i died. I woke with a jolt to find myselve on the shore. Soon i see the stars swirling down to me. Some Starclan cats i knew and some i didnt. At first i couldnt speak but when i found my voice i asked

"Did i lose a life?"

*My mother stepped up*

"Yes u did" said my mother.

"but how" i say shocked "i was dreaming!"

"yes but that was a cat from the 'Forest of No Stars'." she said.

"Who r they?" i ask

"The cats who live in the 'Forest of No Stars' have know rules or show murcy the kill to provoke their ambitions."

"Is that why i woke with open wounds every time i battled him?" i ask

"Yes that is why." said my mother.

My father steped up.

"We can not tell u who the cat was or if u will see him again for that we do not know. But ill i can say is stay away from him if u can he is dangerous."

"yes father ill try" i say a dip my head."what should i do if i have another dream?"

"Wake up if u can u might have to have a cat watch u every night." he said.

"but what if they ask why then what will i say?" i ask.

"Say nothing" he said.

"yes father but wont i wake up back in my nightmare?"

"No u will wake up in your bed in Shellclan." He said.

"Ok" i said "Wait! One thing i want to know before i leave is what r your names me and Jadeheart were to young to remember."

"my name was rust"said my father. "your mothers name was snow.(she was a pure white she-cat with blue eyes.)

"Thank you." i said and he nods in response.

The next thing i know is that im a wake in my nest.

"I hope that doesnt happen again." I say to myself. I shake the moss and feathers from my fur and walk out of my den like nothing happend. Unfortunatly my luck runs outs when Snowpool, being a medicine cat, realizes i lost one of my 9 lives.

"Shellstar, what happened to you!" Snowpool whispers when she runs up to me.

"Ok ill tell you im going hunting when i come back meet me in my den"

"alright but be carefull."

"i will" I tell her and i dash out of camp in serch of prey.

Nightmares Part 1Where stories live. Discover now