Chapter 4

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I Come back to camp with 1 mouse and 2 voles. i see Snowpool not that far away and i motion to her when she looks my way. I walk to my cave which is a giant crack in the the side of a cliff and i sit down waiting for Snowpool. When she walks in she opens her mouth to say something but i raise my tail and she closes her mouth again.

"I know you want to know the reason for me waking up and being covered in blood and even losing a life."

Snowpool nods her head.

"Well when i lost my first life i seen my parents, and they told me that its because I've been visited from a Dark Forest cat."

Snowpool gasps, "Are you sure?!"

I nod my head in agreement, "Yes, I'm am sure."

"We need to stop this before you run out of life's."

"I know but, how is the question."

"Hmmm, well we can't make sure you don't fall asleep."

"No, we can't."

Snowpool starts to pace around my cave muttering to herself, "well we could- no that won't work hmm."

"I know you are concerned, but their is nothing we can do." I meow gently.


"Snowpool, you know as well as i do that I'm right."

Snowpool hangs her head in defeat. "Yes, I know but i wish their was SOMETHING we could do"

"I know, maybe we will learn how to eventually but for now i will have to deal with it."

Snowpool hangs her head in defeat knowing that I'm right.

"Just promise that you won't tell anyone." i ask Snowpool seriously.

"of course shellstar."

I nod at Snowpool, dismissing her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2011 ⏰

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