cahoptre 12- andrew sleeps

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When andrew was goin to schol, he almost sleeped on ice.

"oh no im am a fool" he says as he unslips himself from the ice floor

he suddenly thinkerage of something........

"i forgor my penisl cays" says andew as he was gon to frend jason howse.

"jason jason i ned ur help!!" andrw explains and exclaims excietly

"shut up andrew im  go to joshua's lake in manitoba" jason replays immobilay

"ok so i cam cum with you yes?" sayd andrw in replay

"no u cantnot cume cum with us!!!1!11" sayd jason replayed.

andrew starts the sad, and pawses

"r we still gonna will wakk to sckoll together?" andrew asskes

"yes" jason replays


andrew and jason walk to schol togeher, untalking with jason

when all suddener, thomas is approching from distans

" hi andrew" thimas says as he looks down at him

"hi tihmas" andriw says as he looks very up to make ey contract

"waht were u doing" asks andrew

"oh nothing. just vaping behind circle k" thoms replays

"T POSE ILLEGALISM COPE" andrew suddently exclaims

"this is why ur were not invite to monitoba lake party" says jason

"oh yeah, who is this person?" thims inquires

"this is jason, hes dum dum" andrew replays to thomasas inquire

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