I Am Yours, Forever.

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 ( 4X14 inspired. It’s a long one and I apologize for any errors you may come across. Enjoy besties!! 🤗 )

“Do you still need me to take you to the airport?”
Those were the last words that Maya and Carina said to each other before they parted ways. The Italian called a Uber to get her to the airport so she could be online for her flight. Maya on the other hand pulled on her sneakers and ran all the way to the gym to work away her anger and pain.

The two women loved each other more than words could ever describe but they were both extremely stubborn. After their argument they were also very angry with each other. So angry that hours, days, weeks, and months had passed without any contact between them.

Carina had buried herself into her job, barely taking days off and when she did take a day off, she spent her time on research. Gabrielle had tried to get her out to have some fun and very few times succeeded. Other times Carina would decline, thinking to herself how the only person she wants have fun with was the love of her life whole had walked away from.

She felt so stupid. Though Maya had only suggested Marriage she couldn’t help but think she basically said no to marrying the love of her life. It’s not that she didn’t want to marry Maya. She simply didn’t not believe in marriage.

But the more she thought about it was the more she kicked herself for leaving. She wanted Maya to be her wife and for both of them to spend their lives together. She didn’t know if she had ruined the best relationship she has ever had.

She contemplated on calling and texting Maya countless times. but she was so afraid that, because of her, Maya had gone back to being the Maya that considered herself ‘broken’. She was so afraid that Maya had been so heartbroken that she wouldn’t even want to accept her calls or reply to herself. She was too afraid that the gorgeous blue eyes woman who she’s love more than anything had stopped loving her and she
was so afraid that she had moved on.

Carina didn’t want to face any of that. It was only a month after she was back in Italy when she admitted to herself that she couldn’t continue going without Maya. She still didn’t have any idea when she would get her visa issue sorted out, but she did some research and found out that there were a few things she could do to speed up the process. Sure, it would be way more expensive and there would be a lot more paperwork but she needed to go back to Seattle. She needed to go back home. She needed to go back Maya.
One night she was working on some charts for patients when she received a call, she answered it without looking who was calling. “Hello?” She answered but was met with silence. “Hi. Is anyone there?” she called out down the phone. When she didn’t get a response, she eventually ended the call, finally seeing that it was from Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.
She knew that sometimes they make mistake contacting her when the hospital gets busy so she shook it off knowing that the hospital would call again if it’s an important matter and if it wasn’t, she knew they would return the call at some point like they usually do.

Whenever her phone rings she always hoped it was a call from a certain blonde, but that was never the case. She shook the thought from her head and dove right back into the task at hand.

For the next two months Carina’s focus was no longer only on her job but it was also now shared with her dedication in getting her documents sorted out so she could leave Italy.
Back in Seattle, Maya had been... coping. When Carina had left, she was a wreck. She shut out her friends, threw herself into work doing paperwork after paperwork. Even thought she had turned down her friend’s invitation to go to Joe’s as a group, but she didn’t even go to Joe’s on her own. She felt lost and the only thing that had purpose to her anyone was her job, so she gave it all she had

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