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It was the first Monday back after term, last period and the start of a new class program, sex education. I had no clue over who's idea this torturous act this was, but whoever proposed certainly had it in for us.

Mondays, we all despise them, of course as a teenager that is an almost certainty. Its the day that determines the fate of the forthcoming week. Bad Monday, bad week. Good Monday, OK week. Life in a nutshell right there. However, for some person, some loony to come along and completely obliterate your week before it even starts, well I'll leave that to you to express and share my feelings, as you may have experienced personally.

I had just finished compressing my latest collection of science papers into my locker, along with my sports kit before slamming it shut. Before me it revealed an oddly short figure.

"Hey Raini! Bit early for you isn't it?" I mocked.

"F.Y.I Laura I was ill." Eyebrows raised, she exclaimed, "Well, that was before the principal phoned my mother lecturing her over how 'being there' is the whole point of schools and learning!"

"Well maybe he made a valid point -" I said teasing her further. Before my tone was muted by a loud rubble stomping through the halls, followed by several screeching girls and the bell for the end of break.

We gave a quick glance in each others direction before making our way to our most dreaded last class. We sauntered into the room, side by side we eyed the area. Great. Just my luck, only two seats were left and both were situated at the very front. Reluctant I dragged the chair back from under its table and perched on top of it, Raini to my left shadowed my movement.

Towards the back of the class I heard a slight sneering, obviously it was the populars of the school year. The high school hunks as I would call them. They were the boys everyone looked up to, they were the sportiest, funniest and supposedly the hottest of the entire school, however judging by the rest of the school it wasn't like they had much competition.

My attention was soon averted from the matter by Mr.Worthy as he entered, his voice booming against the flimsy walls. The first serving of awkwardness was about to be inflicted upon me, and there was no route out.  This should be interesting.

Mr.Worthy placed his bag down in the corner briefly, he tugged at his collar once then began his opening speech.

"Right" he huffed. "Now as you know, I or you do not want to be here right now to talk about sex. However because some of you animals" he said his eyes scouring the students, "cannot keep your junk in the trunk and that's the reason we are here today." His eyes came to lay onto mine finally as I swiftly turned my head in the opposing direction.

"Now as you are aware back in my day, at your age we were out in the good old fresh air, playing with toys an-" Mr.Worthy was interrupted mid Sentence.

"What kind of toys were they then Sir?" echoed a voice from behind me. This earned him a few laughs and comments from other students that worshiped his every move. It was Peter Darco no doubt.

"Well Mr. Darco they are certainly not the ones you are thinking of." His voice was calm and even. The giggling soon faded out and so Mr.Worthy continued, "so a message to all you youngsters out there, 'wear protection on your erection', 'don't tap that hoe til you've covered down belo-"

"OK that's quite enough...detail Mr.Hall!" The principal scoffed from his perch in the corner. He, as like all of us clearly didn't want to sit through a whole hour listening to information of 'your private parts' and what to do before sex.

Mr.Worthy proceeded, "I've heard and seen you lot in the corridor's and behind the bike sheds-" he paused turning his head in my direction, "and sweetheart, let me tell you it isn't pretty." Right there, first class awkwardness for you ladies and gents. By which time i was completely flushed, my face scarlet and my head bowed down. The rambling carried on for some time the boys at the back interrupting every so often with their snide comments, before finally the end bell goes. Everyone dashes from their seats and to the door, but is soon blocked by an outstretched arm.

"Before you horrible lot can go it states this as a requirement." Mr.Worthy spoken he tone mutual as revealed from behind his back a box, full of condoms.

As people filed out the door they unwillingly grabbed a packet and rushed hurriedly out, lucky I was last out of the class so it was less of an embarrassment. I picked up the small packaging shoving it in my pocket and made a swift exit. As I walk out I am greeted by the same strangely short figure as she embraces me in a hug, it then grabbed my hand and we started to walk the already deserted corridor to my locker, chatting about the days past events. What a day it had been, and yet it was only the beginning of the week.

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