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OK so Monday was awkward. Very awkward. Today I have to face the same trauma but this time a little more detailed as so to speak. The topic of today's sex education class: Positions. I mean why is this even a topic I mean seriously!

I know what your all thinking, why not skip school, well that's not so easy when you're an A* student through and through, even in the more physical subjects, sport and catering i'm top of the class. However as you can see right now this clearly is not a good thing, you can't miss school with a reputation like mine to uphold. Not that it matters to the other students of course, i'm quite a quite person in general, nobody really notices me much, but it matters to my mother and teachers and I just can't bare the thought of letting them down.

This thought has been running through my mind all day now, right up to period four, shoot me now. The more I have thought about it the less appealing it sounds, not that it ever did sound appealing, I cringe as I walk into the class awaiting Mr. Worthy's arrival.

A few minutes had passed and still a no show for the teacher, the crowd behind me had now grown into a raging mob shouting and hurling objects about. I just sat patiently.

For those wondering where my short companion had gone to she was 'ill', again. Raini, unlike me was known for her lack of attendance, she was forever showing up late to occasions, if showing up at all.

I was soon snapped out of my trance when I heard the door slam shut. I looked up to see the principal stood parallel to my body, and a tall, muscular figure positioned to his left.

"OK, 11A I know this after noon has been quite the struggle, so if I could have your attention for a second." he waited before raising his voice again, "as you may be aware Mr.Worthy cannot make it in today due to...personal troubles at home. As of now Mr.Lynch here-" his arm directed our eyes to the shadow, "-is going to be taking over his teaching for a short while."

'Mr.Lynch' then took a step forward to introduce himself. And damn was he hot.

The principal scuttled out the room leaving us with Mr.Lynch. The class went on smoothly, Mr.Lynch seemed totally laid back over the whole situation, he sat back straight up in his chair whilst the video rambled on. However my eyes couldn't be in pealed away from this fine man sat just a meter from me.

A/N: the worst part of sex education kids, positions. P.s. our class were actually shown the image at the top. #cringe

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