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Tuesday was a complete drag, especially last class, it turns out having a completely gorgeous teacher who is as handsome as fuck does not make the situation any more appealing. In all truth it makes it ten times worse. The lesson mainly consisted of video clips, questionnaires and snide comments for the clan of morons huddled at the back. However, I survived. Which is good. I think.

I place the last items into my locker as I finish recapping on yesterdays events and the dreaded occurrences yet to come. I spin on my heel, and start walking to English, just four more hours to go.

So your still probably wondering exactly what this fine specimen looks like, well, he's drop dead gorgeous, that's for sure. His hair, a hot blonde mess. Eyes, dreamy. Mouth, definitely snog-able. Body, banging. Well, with his features summed up I guess it leads us on to his personality. Well let me tell you, I know absolutely nothing else about him. Its pretty decent if you ask me, I mean it the usual right. You meet a hot guy everything is all fine and good, until the very second he opens his mouth, in which you discover that he is a complete jerk. Am I right ladies?

Lunch time, and what a fabulous way to spend it, in a computer suite overlooking the sports courts in where Mr. Lynch, or Ross as I recently found out, was participating in an musical event. They hold one weekly, every Wednesday it's hosted, where they call upon local talents within the school to entertain the rabble, in which is us. Well, I can tell you one thing this is sure entertaining.

Raini snapped her fingers in front of me a third time, I had notice the second time but thought I'd mess her around a little.

"What!" I snap. Yet still not breaking my gaze.

"Laur honey, you've been sat there for over twenty minutes now, I think its about time you stopped with all the starring. Its weirding me out." Raini replies, shaking my shoulder a little.

"OK, but one, that was not to twenty minutes and two," I slapped her lightly on the arm, "I am not that weird!"

I catch her rolling her eyes "OK then whatever you say."

I ignore her comment still focused on the blonde strumming at his guitar, damn. He is so freaking hot, and that hand movement, gosh, he's sure good with his hands. So I was left with my thoughts until the bell for class finally sounded. Give me strength.

We were all seated in class still awaiting the arrival of Mr. Lynch.

The door creaked open, as Mr. Lynch swayed through and over to the front of the class.

"Right then today, we shall be marking the papers of last lessons quiz/questionaire" his voice echoing around the room. "Everyone pass your sheets to the person next to you..."

He continued in his speech as everyone reluctantly passed their paper to a fellow student. I gathered my work ready to pass over, but Raini's not here, yet again. She must have been feeling 'ill' as did most of our class this week. I panic slightly, as the realization of what was written on the papers was personal, well to most people, but especially me.

In the mists of my worry I heard a rustling of paper and no longer feel the load in my hands, shit. I glance up only to be greeted by the peering eyes of Ross. I mean Mr. Lynch.

"Looks like we're a few short this lesson, Laura you mark Raini's and I'll have yours in to mark with some others later."

Oblivious to my actions I just nod and smile. He knows my name, damn, he knows my name. I let it sink in to my head as the clip drags on in the background for the remaining time of the lesson, until I again I remember the information that paper contains. Shit, looks like he's about to know my story too.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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