3rd person POV

"He's so cute!he loves pasta!he's funny,he's kind,he is perfect and he hasn't done anything bad or that annoys me now that I think about it!"george said to dream as he was sitting in his chair thinking about him.(that meant George was thinking about the guy he is talking about)

"That's great george"dream said with little emotion witch was not normal due to dream always having energy

"You ok?"george asked concerned.

"Yea why wouldn't I be"dream said sounding kinda sarcastic

"You seem annoyed."george said plainly 

"I'm not just tired."

"Oh ok if you say so "

"I think I'm gonna get off now"

"But we have only been talking for 2 houers we always talk for at least 4 houers or more"george said sounding hurt

"I know but patches needs to be feed and I'm tired, night gogy."

"Oh, night" george said very sad, he did not wanna hang up yet, he wanted  to be on call with his best friend all night talking about the things they always do like videos,and dnf, and games, and how their day was family things,how's it going were they live,dream smp lore,future Minecraft updates,George didn't know why dream was being so distant right now tho alll he could do was sit and wait 


Word count:232

Authors note:what dose anyone who might actually be reading this think? Like it so far or no

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