Chapter 3: It's a bird, It's a Plane! It's a...Centaur?

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I woke up laying in a cot, white canvas stretched over me and a soft mattress below me.

Where the heck was I?

I groaned as it all came rushing back- the fight, the monster, and the pain.

Almost in greeting, my shoulder sent a sting up my arm. Hi, Avi! Remember me?

I glanced down out of the corner of my eyes, not that surprised to see my arm wrapped in bandages. They ached a bit, but the initial pain that I had experienced was far, far away. 

I managed to lift my head up, taking a sneak peek at my surroundings.

I was in a huge canvas tent, with lines of cots on either side. Some were occupied – like, for example, the one next to me. It was a boy whose entire torso was bandaged, and he was just groaning.

Silently in my head, I counted the groans. I was way bored.

Groan. One. Groan. Two. Groan. Three. Groan. Four. Groan. Five.

I went on like this, trying to keep my mind at bay.

Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen.

An even louder groan.

Thirty six, thirty seven, thirty eight.

And a sigh to accompany.

I realized that I was becoming drowsly, my arm aching annoyingly, so I slapped myself in the face to wake up.

“What was that for?” A voice startled me and I jumped, if you can jump laying down, and craned my neck to see where the voice was coming from.

A boy was standing to the left of my bed, the corners of his mouth turned upwards in an amused smile.

I crossed my arms, giving him a soft glare.

“Uhh… Nothing?” I questioned, and his smile grew a bit.

“I should probably tell Chiron that you’re awake.” He says, flashing me a quick grin before turning and exiting the tent.

I sigh through my nose.

And I still didn’t know where I was.

“Ah. Our Sleeping Beauty has awakened!”

The man in front of me spoke fondly, as he relaxed inside his wheelchair.

I find myself blushing at the remark, but not before noticing a certain lever on the arm of his chair.

“What’s that?” I ask curiously, pointing to it.

The man’s – Chiron, I think – eyes widened, and he glanced up at me curiously.

“Nothing.  Just an… Uplifter button, shall we say.”  He said with a bright smile.

I frowned slightly, still intrigued by the button.

He opened his mouth to say something, but the urge was irresistible.

I lunged forward, tapping the button, and dancing back, my eyes glowing with mischief.

Chiron let out a slight yelp as the chair shuddered beneath him, before he began to rise out of it.

That’s it?

I mentally  sighed. I had been expecting something like a bomb, something exciting.

But wait.

As his bottom half began to come into view, my eyes widened and I stumbled backwards, staggering into the railing as a dark brown horse bottom clip-clopped out of the wheelchair – with Chiron’s ‘man half’ atop of it.

“I should’ve known.”
He sighs, before glancing at me.

“Wh-What are you?” I stutter, narrowing my eyes and regaining my feet.

Chiron smiles.

“A centaur, my dear. Half horse, half human!”

For some reason, I wasn’t surprised at this.

Chiron's smile grows as he takes in my un- shocked reaction, a light of secrecy glimmering in his eyes as he trots forward, putting an arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go show you around camp, shall we?"

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