Chapter 1: Plans

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Chapter 1: Plans


He was just there I didn't know what he was doing pacing in front of my lawn holding a plate of cookies like an idiot, but nonetheless it was very amusing. I gently opened the door so as not to disturb his revelry and dragged a bean bag chair watching in amusement as he further established on how he'll approach my home. I leaned my head on my palms as my elbows were planted on my knees.

Curiously my dog sat beside me swishing its tail on my leg until he spotted the mysterious guy. My dog is admittedly the most retarded dog in the world. His name is Danger but he's anything but dangerous. So when my dog came out and ran towards the idiot pacing on my lawn. I had to yell


You wouldn't believe what happened

"Holy shit!" Hunter yelled as he continuously threw cookies at my pup who merely sniffed the cookies scattered on the lawn. My laughter could practically deafen anyone close that I had already fallen off my chair.

"Oh ha ha" he laughed blankly now holding the harmless pup on his hands. I tried to look stoic but I couldn't help but smile. He looked pretty pissed

"Here have this plate because unfortunately the cookies where used to fend off a harmless pup" he glared at me.

"He's named Danger" I spoke blatantly a giggle still in my voice.

"Who in their right mind names a harmless pug Danger, the most dangerous things a pug can do is release bad gas" he scrunched up his nose placing Danger back to my arms

"Cass, why are there cookies on your lawn?" I heard Dylan chuckle as he approached us. Dylan was....well he isn't my boyfriend. He's sort of my brother's best friend that thinks where an "item"

"Long story" I smiled briefly taking Danger from Hunter. When I did this Dylan finally took notice of the new presence and with a slight nod he acknowledged him.

"Uh come in...both of you, I guess?" I studied them and offered a small smile. My aunt had offered me this small home in change that I take over her dance studio all the while I study for college.

Multitasking. A very bad habit of mine

"So how's the stay so far, Cas" Dylan asked propping up his legs on my center table. I glared at him but he just shrugged.

"Fine. I've met a few people, like Hunter" I grinned recalling the incident from just awhile ago.

"Fascinating" Dylan spoke bored "any plans for tonight" he smirked. I knew Dylan quite well, too well...unfortunately and usually by plans he means 'lets get fucking drunk'

"Busy, I have plans with Hunter" I faked a sorry smile to appease him, I could be a bitch to him but I knew boys loved a challenge, I wouldn't give Dylan the pleasure.

"Fine" he sighed "I'll see you soon, don't forget to call Quentin" he kissed my cheek before giving me one last look and throwing a glare at Hunter who was returning the favor.

"Good riddance fuck hole" Hunter spoke without so much as blinking which held my jaw slack. One does not simply insult Dylan Strom without leaving his presence with a couple of broken bones. To much more of my surprise Dylan smirked and simply left.

The fuck is going on...

"You know Dylan?"
"You know Strom?"

We both said at the same time

"Yeah a friend of my brother" I explained
"Oh. he's just a fucking dick sack that always tries to compete with me" he shrugged scanning my home. It wasn't much just a darkly colored house with shade of gray and blues that I was yet to redecorate I planned on doing Google map walls that were rainbow colored

"Dull" I mumbled seeing him brush his hand on the wall. He mumbled something incoherent in response

"Let's go" he spoke heading towards the door. Wait what?

"Excuse me?"

"You have plans with me remember?" He smirked

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