The Lightweight Diaries

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Gauri woke up with a headache. Was it due to the drinks yesterday or the blaring ringtone in her ears, she didn't know. Pressing a hand to her head, she reached out to stop the noise from her phone somehow, whether it was by strangling her phone or throwing it on the ground she didn't care.

"The heck is wrong with you?!" A voice exclaimed and Gauri realised she accidentally attended the call instead of cancelling it.

"I want to die!!!!" Gauri huffed sitting up on all four of her limbs, stretching like a cat on sleeping pills.

"I would too, if I were you." Bhavya rolled her eyes through her voice so skillfully, even hungover Gauri could hear that eyeroll.

"This headache is killing me."

"That's not the only thing that will kill you."

"What could be worse?"


"Did I punch him again?"

"Nope. You did worse."

Gauri gasped. "Did I strangle him?"

"Tried to, among other things."

"Shit. I'll get fired!"

"Losing your job should be the last of your worries. I think you have a couple of charges being pressed against you as we speak."

"Attempt to murder?"

"And sexual assault."


"Yeah," Bhavya casually stated like this was normal occurence, adding "and right now, it's 8 O'clock on a Monday morning. You're already running late because your daily local has already left the station and the next one is three hours later, which would make you around five hours late for office."

"Fuck my life."


Gauri ended up not going to office that morning. Instead she shot a text to her direct supervisor that she was taking a sick leave. Then, she combed through her mother's many recipe books and found out Omkaara Singh Oberoi's first love, Mrs Sharma's Bareilly ki Barfi. Gauri had been the close second.

She had no idea that her boss's boss would recommend her to the skyrocketing game developing firm, Oz&Iz as a marketing advisor. And little did she know when she got wasted on celebratory wine, she would end up meeting her high school sweetheart and the guy she broke up with (over letters to make it worse) - Omkaara Singh Oberoi who would just happen to be the co founder of the now million dollar firm. There first meeting had led to an awkward next meeting because she had been drunk AF then. Crying and telling him she was sorry was the least embarrassing of the stuff she had done then.

They had been professional when they worked but just like any other old flame Gauri had trouble keeping her head out of his business, especially because his business partner Ishaana left no stone unturned in chasing after him. And so began the saga of hiding behind mean comments behind his back. And sometimes on his face, especially when she was drunk (which happened a lot because she was an alcoholic in the making.)

The next morning saw Gauri timidly knocking on his door. The receptionist's subtle glare as she asked for a meeting with the big boss had been enough to tell her that she had apparently assaulted (she still didn't know/remember exactly what she did) him in the public eye.

"Morning Ms Sharma. Is that another weapon?" Omkaara asked as he sat with his legs crossed on the table (annoying habit since middle school), his eyes gesturing to the box in her hand.

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