Joining Pt.2

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The picture above is pretty much what zalgo and slenderman look like in this story/Au I don't know the original owners of the picture tho its not mine i just like it. Also in my Au zalgo has a spike covered tail and wings.
Warning mentions of blood and cursing

Y/n Pov
After ben and clockwork put my bags in the spare room Ben turned to me "idk what kind of doctor you are or whose paying you but if your one of zalgo's spies you wont last long". Jeez harsh much. "Ok I get it" and then he left. "Don't pay much attention to him he's just mad that I almost beat him at his own game" clockwork said while leaving. Ok so hes a crappy gamer/hacker good to know. Now time to settle in.

(Times Skip cuz im lazy after settling in)
Third person
Y/n walked down the stairs of the slender mansion after putting all their clothes and things away to find the kitchen. But before they could a flying knife came out of nowhere and hit them in the arm. "Damn lady work on your lousy aim" y/n said "my bad your standing infront of my target" she said y/n turned around to see Jeff at the top of the stairs. "Mind pulling that out your arm and giving it to me its my knife" he said y/n pulled the knife out with a pained breath and through it at him barely missing and hitting his hoodie. "Jeez" he mumbled as he pulled the knife out of his jacket. "They've got better aim then you jane" finished louder than before. "Whatever ugly bastard" jane said while walking away. Blood poured out of y/n's arm as they continued to find the kitchen. After they did they ask the person in the kitchen if there were any bandages. Turns out y/n was in the wrong place at the wrong time as eyeless jack turn to face y/n. "Who the hell are you and what the hell do you need bandages for"

Y/n Pov
"Who the hell are you and what the hell do you need bandages for" ej yelled. "My arm" I replied showing him the stab wound. After i showed him he began to smell the air. "Your not a normal human are you?" He asked. Shit what do I do. "What makes you say that" if he finds out I have the same blood as zalgo im screwed. "The scent of your blood doesn't smell familiar" he can defiantly tell im not human. "I just have a rare blood type nothing much now can you tell me were I can find some bandages." I hope that works. "Makes sense. I guess here i just got done using them" he said as he tossed a roll of bandages at me. "What happened to your arm?" He questioned "Jane threw a knife at me cuz I was i front of jeff" I replied walking back up to the spare room. Before I could leave he asked "is Jeff alright?" I turned around but before I could answer him "oooooh someone likes jeff" I could feel the blush radiating from his face as he turned around and yelled "no I do not Toby and even if I did at least were close in age unlike you and your crushes" and held up his hands and made "" around the last word. "Shut up jack at least my name is only mine and doesn't belong to a clown as well" Toby yelled. I wish I had my phone I would so record this. "Don't bring that clown into this to avoid what you started" ej yelled back. "Whatever your just mad that im right" Toby replied at a slightly normal tone. Before ej replied Jeff walked in and yelled "can yall both shut the hell up" Toby looked at jeff them at ej and raised his eyebrows up and down before leaving. Ej then turned around and said "how much of that did you hear?" I hope he heard it all i wanna know his reaction. "Something about your name and the age of Toby's crushes" Jeff said while filling up a cup of coffee. Aww I wanted them to make out. Ej sighed and said "ok" "why do you wanna know? you hiding something that i shouldn't know?" Jeff questioned. If he wasn't blushing before he is now. "No reason see ya later" ej replied quickly before he left. I turned to Jeff and asked "why are you drinking coffee its like 2 in the afternoon" he just shrugged. "Idk im tired". "Ok weirdo imma just go to my room and bandage myself up". I said as I left. "Whatever doctor".

After bandaging up.
"Jeez I've only been here for 3 hours and I've already got a stab wound" not to mention if it wasn't for Toby eyeless jack would have definitely figured out im not normal. Oh well, I wonder when slenderman will get back. "Aaaaaahhh" speak of the devil who the hell is that. I ran Down stairs to see some random dude on the ground screaming for his life. "You are dead and you should have stayed dead i dont know who brought you back to life but your not going anywhere near sally." Jeff said in a pissed off tone of voice. Jane was hugging sally who didnt have a shirt on only shorts. Omg I ran down the steps took off my shirt not caring who was looking and put it over sally. I had a under shirt on anyways. "Who the FUCK is that guy" I asked as Jeff ripped off his head. "Sally's uncle" he said as he pushed past me and hugged sally. Who started crying into his shoulder. I didn't know jeff had a soft spot for kids. "Its ok now sally he's dead and this time he'll stay dead but I thought you had already killed him sally." He said while on his knees hugging the crying girl. "I thought so to" Jeff stood up and looked at Jane who looked away for some reason sally immediately ran to me. "Thank you for the shirt" she said. "anytime sally" I replied thats when Jeff stepped forward and hugged Jane. And as if on command I pulled out my phone and started recording right before Jeff let go and said. "Thank you Jane if it wasn't for you screaming i probably wouldn't have made it here in time to save sally." I cant believe I got that on recording. I stopped recording when Jeff turned to the body of sallys uncle and said "alright now what do we do with that" he asked and jane just stood there in shock for a second before walking away while saying "you two can figure that out while me and sally play dress up come on sally" "alright" sally said while walking away with Jane. After they left slenderman walked through the door and looked down at the body then back at Jeff. "Didn't I say no killing while i was gone and who is that" he yelled. "Thats sallys uncle someone revived him and he almost raped sally again if I would have listened to the no killing while your not here rule he would've raped her and Jane before you got back" slender bent down and looked at the body. " Sally's uncle how was he even revived" he said. "Did yall leave the body alone after sally killed him" I asked. "Yes I think we did" slender replied." "Well you should put it in a random room and wait for it to decay after it decays you should burn the bones that will stop him from turning into a ghost like Ben amd from being revived again". I said "how do you know that?" Slender questioned. "Ive had a little experience with ghost and revived people before and that's worked for me for years." "Jeff can you take the body to the basement until it decays and then burn it." "Will do sir" jeff said as he grabbed the body and head and dragged it away. "As for you i want an explanation on why your here."

To be continued im working on another story in a different fandom so once I get part one of that out I can start writing pt3 of this. I do write ships in other fandoms if I know the fandom and ship so if you have any ships or story ideas im open to them all. As long as I know the fandom.

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