Why Am I Here?

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Third person
"As for you I want an explanation on why your here." the tall man said to y/n. "I told you I was hired to help take care of your proxies." they replied. "Ok and what exactly does that include?" Slender questioned. "Y'know help them with depression,anxiety,fears the whole ten yards." slender stood up all the way and asked. "And how do you know what there going through?" "Im very good at finding out what people are going through." Y/n replied. Slender just tilted his head and sighed. "May I ask what you've learned so far." "Sure but we might need to sit down." Y/n said. "That's fine follow me ill take you to my office."

After going to the office.
"Sit down there." Slender said pointing to a chair as he walked to the other side of the desk and sat. "K" After they both sat down slender looked at y/n and said. "Its not possible that you've already learned a lot about my proxies so I don't know why we would need to sit." Y/n smirked and said. "I can bet 20 bucks that I know more than you do." "Whatever just tell me what you've learned so far." He replied. "Well ive noticed that EJ most likely needs glasses as well as Jeff maybe just eye drops for blurry vision" Slender looked up at them surprised and just nodded.

"Jeff is suicidal as well as Ticci Toby and jane". Slender then spoke. "Hold on your telling me that you've only been here a few hours but you have already found out three of my proxies are suicidal." "Yes also I think Ben is going deef and might need ear drops or hearing aid." Y/n replied. Slender just looked at them in as much shock as he could express but before he could say anything Ben burst through the door and yelled. "Slenderman I finally hacked into zalgos cameras." Ben looked at y/n and just said. "Oh sorry just wanted to tell you that." Slender stood up and said, "show me what he's doing right now." Y/n went back to their room and Ben and slender teleported to bens hacking room. "He seems to be on the phone right now. Ben said." "Have you gotten the audio yet?" Slender asked. "Yeah hold on." Ben said while sitting down after a couple seconds the two could hear the conversation.

"Didn't I tell you to stop calling me." Zalgo said while sitting on his couch. After a few seconds the two could hear him growl slightly. "I don't care what my orders are ill do what I want to." He said slightly louder. He then stood up and moved to his kitchen counter facing his couch. "Yeah yeah I know that im not stupid I just don't give a shit." He said as another demon appeared were he was sitting. "Cheap tricks dont work on me mother." He said as the demon turned to him and tried to attack him.

Zalgo used his tail and cut the demon square in half making slender Lean up and say. "I didn't know he had a tail." After that Ben stood up and said. "Ill just leave call me if something goes wrong." As he left the room slender then sat down to continue watching. Zalgo then appeared to get angry as his voice got louder. "What did you want me to do let him attack me. .............. Thats bullshit and you know it hag."

Slender watched as zalgo got taken over by rage. "I DONT CARE JEEZ GIVE IT UP ALREADY. .............. OH THATS TUFF TALK FROM SOMEONE WHO RAN AWAY THE FIRST TIME THEY SAW THEM." He then stopped completely. His eyes then turned black making slender curious. "If you so much as lay a finger on my prey I will hunt you down and kill you slowly." Zalgo said as he hung up and sighed. "Stupid bitch" zalgo mumbled. 'I wonder why he was so mad.' Slender thought to himself.

Zalgo Pov
"Stupid bitch" I mumbled to myself. She gets on my nerves and wont stop calling me. I need to clean this mess up.

"midnight shadow come here" I yelled two large black furred dogs came running in and sat infront of me. "Hi boy hi girl." I said as I pet them both. "Do yall want a treat?" I asked they stood up and wagged their tails. "Can you two drag this to the back yard by the green house please" they both barked and grabbed the body dragging it towards the back door.

Third person
Zalgo sighed and looked at the camera causing slender to flinch. 'Does he know im on his camera?' Slender thought to himself. Zalgo walked up to the camera amd turned it slightly "Crooked" zalgo mumbled. Slender sighed thankful that zalgo couldn't tell he was on his camera. Zalgo walked to a closet and pulled out a mop and mop bucket. And filled the bucket up with water he placed his hand in it slender got curious and confused. Zalgos hand went from black to red as the water heated up. He pulled his hand out after a few seconds and poured cleaner in it.

Zalgo began to mop up the blood on his floor as his dogs came back in. "Hi baby's" he said while kneeling down to pet them. He put the mop down and walked to the fridge pulling out two chicken legs and tossing them to the dogs. "Alright now head to your room k" the dogs barked picked up the chicken and left.

Alright what does anyone think so far How do yall feel about uncle zalgo and his personality so far? What ships and couples should I add? What should happen next?

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