Tommys POV
T- John fuck off
J- she's a teenage girl
Pol- boys stop
A- let's go get a drink
J- yes good idea
T- John you always think it is
J- what's that supposed to mean
T- you was never there for molly when she was growing up have you even realised she lives here not in your big house
J- yes me and Esme -
Pol- stop this now
*me and John end up arguing and it ends up in us having a fight in a fight in the betting den*
Your POV
M- *I walk into the betting den to see people scurrying out*what the fuck
Isiah- Tom and John
Pol- someone get scudboat
M- *I walk over getting inbetween* STOP NOW *I put gets thrown from dad and it lands on me* BITCH
J- molly-
M- TAKE A WALK NOW *dad walks out I walk into the kitchen and put a damp cloth on my now busted lip*
Pol- you okay
M- it's a busted lip I've had worse *she leaves I lean against the kitchen counter looking at my feet*
T- let's see then when
M- I'm fine
T- just let me see *he lifts my head with my chin and takes the cloth off*that's deep might need-
M- fuck off your kicking *I hit his chest jokingly*
T- there's that smile
M- you know t I haven't thanked you
T- because there's no need to love not done helping yet
M- I'm still pissed just love you too much *he hug and she closes her eyes*
T- don't fall asleep
M- I'm not I'm enjoying the moment
*we pull away when the door slams open*
Fin- molly party *he gives me a look*
M- would I be me if I said no now let's go *we start to walk away*
M- okay t bye *I get to the party and go over to isiah*
Is- hey baby
M- hey *I kiss him* I'm going to get a drink *I grab a bottle and go sit with fin*
Fin- my girlfriend keeps getting hit in
M- Isiah too we should just watch and see
~next morning~
*I wake up hungover and see isiah in the floor asleep*
M- fuck *I stand up and stumble out of the room downstairs to the kitchen table*
Fin- I feel just as rough but-
M- shhhhh *I put my finger on her lips as I get a glass of water and down it* what did we drink
T- hey pol- what's wrong with these to
Pol- both hung over
M- don't sh-
Fin- in our defence we was pissed
Pol- in your defence why
M- *I give fin a look but tommy sees*
T- go on fin why *I continue to give fin a I'm gonna kill you look*
Fin- b-bothofourotheehalfswhereflirtingwithotheepeople
Pol- okay but with who
M- anyone they could get there hands on that's who *I walk out into the betting den*
Esme- rough night
M- don't even all I remember is being mad at Isiah
Esme- why
M- because he had his hands all over another girl*I put my head in hands as I watch Lizzie and Linda walk in*
Linda- lookin rough mol
M- don't -
Lizzie- are the customers getting rough
Linda- should have told Lizzie she can help
M- okay you wanna be a bitch I can be one too *i pounce at Linda punching we in the nose breaking it when i get held back by dad and tommy*
John- what the FUCK
Lizzie- ONE TO TALK*that's when I try go at Lizzie but Tommy dragged me outside*
T- what's wrong your going off the rails
M- fucking hell everyones full of compliments today *I stand against the house wall* Isiah
T- sorry what
M- Isiah *I put my hand in my pockets finally looking at him*
T- your going off the rails for some boy
M- he's ment to be my fiancé t and now I'm thinking -
T- your having second thoughts
M- just the things he does t it makes me worry like I can't explain it *I stand up* I'm going for a walk
*I walk to the whore house*
Woman- hello
M- hi.was Isiah Jesus here last night
Women- yes he was
M- can I see who "served him"
Women- yes she's upstairs 3rd door straight ahead
M- *i walk down and swing open the door* did you see isiah Jesus last night
???- yes
M- and he didn't back down
???- nope he was all for it
M- *I walk out and down to the betting den* ISIAH JESUS
Fin- he's just left
M- to go where
T- I sent him out
M- he tucked some whore last night went to go check and I was fucking right *i sat down at a desk as I put my head on the table* sometimes I wish I wasn't always right
Fin- what you going to do
T- fin that's a stupid question what you gonna do
M-You'll have to wait and see *I go upstairs and pack his stuff and put the ring in the back and in my blazed*
~later that night*
*I was sat on the bed waiting for Isiah to get back
Is- hey babe
M- hi.*I stand up dropping the duffel bag infront of him*
Is- what's happening
M- your leaving with my permission
Is- why
M- you fucked a whore when your engadeged
Is- I'm sorry *he picks up the bag* I'm so sorry mol
M-Goodbye Isiah
Is- bye *he goes to walk*
M- forgetting something*I get the box out of my blazer throwing it at him and he catches it and walks out and I slide down the door crying*
Tommys POV
*I just got back from a meeting and was going to pols as that's where eveyones staying*
T- hi what's happened
Pol- molly and Isiah called it off
Fin- pol means molly broke up with Isiah and she called it off
T- she has every right where's she
Ada- upstairs crying she has been for the past hour
T- I'll go up
Pol- we've tried Tom just leave her for now if she doesn't come out tomorrow afternoon please do your worst
*I walk past mollys room and can hear her crying*
T- *I walk into my room opposite here and shut the door*tommy don't go in
*next mornkng*
*I get up and get changed and go downstairs*
Fin- no she hasn't lol just left and told me to tell you
T- okay time
Fin- just gone twelve
Your POV
*I hear someone bang in my door*
M- FUCK OFF IM SLEEPING *I pull the covers over my head*
T- it's me
M- FUCK OFF *he comes in and stands next to my bed* are you deaf
T- get up now
M- Thomas Shelby leave me.the fuck.alone. I'm not in the mood to deal with people
T- that's it *he sits on the other side of my bed* I'll stay till you wake up
M- be my guest *I turn over and open my eyes* I'm awake now ass hole
M- I'm gonna be an asshole all day and blame it on you now
T- no.
M- yes now get out I'll get dressed
*he leaves I get changed and make myself look half decent and walk to the betting den*
T- just sit opposite Esme and keep your head down
Esme- hey
M- hi. *I hear Linda and Lizzie talking*
Lizzie- she's so perfect her dad spoils her*she laughs*
Linda- her perfect little family
Esme- girls don't
M- *i laugh and stand up* you don't hear me when I say mom please wake up dad with a slut and daughters smocking cannabis no one ever listens this wallapapee glistens
John- mol-
M- don't let them see what goes on down in the kitchen places,places get in your places throw on dress and put in your doll faces *i walk out the den slamming the door and going to my dealers*
Barry- what's up Shelby
M- weed *I give him money he gives me blunts and I smoke one while walking down the canal*
Ace- molly Shelby is that you *btw eveyone has an enemy and he is mine we have came so close to killing each othwr*
M- hello ace *I carry on walking and he walks beside me* if your gonna kill me now is the time to do it you know
Ace- I choose when you die molly now how's the fiancé
M- *I just go silent as tears pool in my eyes*
Ace- molly what's wrong *he stops and grabs my arm*molly
M-d-song okay it happens we arnt together he cheated with a whore I'm fine I'm over love it's overrated anyways *I carry on walking leaving him there as I walk into the betting den I see isiah and I walk past him to pols kitchen*
M- fucking hell are you every where I go today
T- I've been in the betting - have you been crying
M- what no *I sit down*
T- you wasn't was you
M- well you see ace came to kill me I said go for it he said he gets to choose so -
Pol- you could have fucking killed him
M- ye well where would the fun in that be eveyone else has an enemy and I don't
T- what was you doing before that
M- nothing has anyone seen fin
Pol- garrison
M- I'll be back when dons back *I get up and walk to the garrison and over to fin*
Fin- hey mol
Is- hey
M- hello and fin how many bottles of snow do you have
Fin- 3 why
M- give me one I'll get you one later on in the week
Is- mol I don't-
M- thanks fin*he gives me it and I walk out my and fins secret hide out under a bridge*well mol you've fucked it up like you always do your dad never talks to you your mum and brother are dead
???- I wouldn't take that yeno *I turn my head and see ace I automatically stand up*
M- ace wtf if your gonna kill me just do it now because I am really sick of life so *he steps closer and I step back* don't d-don't coke any closer
Ace- love what's wrong
M- just *I walk away and walk home walking past eveyone till I get to my bedroom and locking the door*
Ace- you know a car is faster right *I look up and see him sat on my bed*
M- what the fuck how did you get in here
Ace- window
M- seriously if you wanna kill me you'd be doing me a favour ace *I take blazer off putting it in the Walldrobe*
Ace- what wrong princessa *he walks closer to me going to touch my face but I flinch and step back* hey
M- get out ace now *he climbs back out the window looking back at me I lock the window and get into bed and fall asleep*
~next morning~
*I wake up put on a suit and go downstairs and walk into the betting den to fin and isiah*
Fin- yo bottle
M- oh here *I give him 2* I bought some so thanks
Is-Molly you shouldn't be doing snow
M- and I think if you feel the need to tell me what I should and shouldn't do you should call up your whore*I walk out and to the grace yard lighting a blunt*
M- hey James I miss you I've started snow again I know I shouldn't but at this point I just want life over with I'm done *I put out the blunt and kiss his head stone moving to mums* hey mum I miss you could really do with a hug or a smack right now but I guess I just have to keep trying *I was walking out when I hit a hard chest making me stumble backwards*
Ace- watch it
M-fuxking move then *I go to move around him and he grabs my arm hard* ace
Ace- *he grabs my chin* are you high
M- yup probly now let go so I can go and be reckless or sleep
Ace- your gonna get yourself I'll
M- what can I say I don't care *I walk to pols and see dad pacing* you okay
John- where the hell have you been
M- on a walk why
John- *he walks closer grabbing my fave* are you high
John- okay well explain this *he pulls out two tubes of snow* found in your room
M- why are you in my room is the question
M- I FUCKING NEED MY MUM THATS WHAT I NEED *I run upstairs shutting and locking the door before sliding down it cryinh*
Johns POV
*molly tan upstairs and pol and Tom just look at me*
John- FUCK *I punch a wall*
Pol- JOHN SHELBY SIT YOUR ASS DOWN *she comes over and shoves me in a chair* punch another one of my walks I'll shout your dick off
John- sorry pol
T- she's off the rails
John- let's get real I'm never around ever she's always busy how can we stop her find even if fucking snow
Pol- he's what FIN SHELBY GET HERE NOW *he walks iver*
Fin- yes pol
Pol- give me your snow
Fin- uhh I'd one have any left
Pol- what do you mean fin
Fin- I have molly a bottle and she gave me two back so I have non left I have one to isiah and he gave it to someone else
T- we fucking have drug dealers in the den
John- my daughter fucking needs her mum
Pol- she knows where she is John
John- what pol that her mum faked her own death and we can't find her
Pol- keep your voice down
T- both of you shut up and John your gonna have to tell her before she randomly turns up

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