Chapter 6: Back to Training

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I wake up lying in my bed in the Training Center. Wait… I thought I was in a hospital room. Or was that a dream, too?

I sit up and feel my head. I can’t feel anything out of the ordinary where I got hit with that weight, so I run into the bathroom to look in the mirror. Everything looks normal. Either the Capitol did a really good job of removing any evidence of an attack, or the whole thing was just a dream. It’s hard to tell. I take a shower and braid my hair like I always do. I step outside of my room and no one is in the dining area… or the lounge… Am I the first one awake? The clock says it’s 1 PM. I check everyone’s rooms and sure enough, no one is there. What day is it? I run into my room and notice a note stuck on the door.


We left to the training area for

day 2 of training. Join us when

you’re up to it. –Katniss

            Okay, so yesterday wasn’t a dream. I go to the dining area and there’s a plate of food set out for me. I quickly eat this and rush over to the elevator. I want to miss as little training as possible. I eventually find my way to the training area after getting lost at least 3 times. Sure enough, everyone is already training. I decide to give the fire starting station another try. Daren is at camouflage, Gale is trying spears, and Katniss—where is Katniss? I look around and jump when someone taps my shoulder. I whip around to see Katniss.

            “Feeling better?” She asks, looking at my head closely.

            “Yeah, I’m fine. They fixed my head so well I wasn’t even sure if yesterday was a dream or not, until I saw your note.”

            She tilts her head to the side, a confused expression on her face. “What note?”

            “The note you left on my bedroom door, saying that you had gone down for training.”

            “I didn’t write you a note. Are you sure it was from me?”

            “Your name was signed at the bottom,” I say, now confused myself. Why would someone write a note from Katniss? “I woke up and looked for you but no one else was there, I saw a note on my door and breakfast sitting out for me so I—“

            “Everyone ate breakfast in the cafeteria today,” she interrupts me. “Someone was supposed to stay there to let you know where we were when you woke up.”

            “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone want to leave a note and write your name on it? I’m pretty sure it was in your handwriting, too.”

            “Well, we’d better get back to training, we can figure this out later.” With that she goes back to the throwing knives area.

            This is weird. It doesn’t make any sense. Maybe whoever was supposed to be there when I woke up had to go and left a note. But then again, why would they sign Katniss’ name? I shake my head. I can think about this later, right now I need to train. I continue to the fire building station and watch as the lady rubs two sticks together really fast, and soon smoke starts to come up and she uses the ember to light some dry grass. “Now you try,” she says, and I follow her example. I’m sure I’m doing it the exact same way, but no smoke is appearing. “It takes a bit of strength to get enough friction,” she explains. “Maybe you would be better at something else.” She smiles and I walk away. Even she doesn’t think I can do it, so why bother trying? I approach the ‘Edible Plants’ table and the lady hands me a book and opens it in front of me.

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