A plan

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Hate Harry Potter. That's what Snape had ordered him to do when he arrived at Hogwarts. Draco had trusted his godfather, and had worked to ruin the life of the bespectacled boy. And his friends too. After all, it was quite consistent with his father's teachings. So he hadn't asked any questions.

And then, over time, he began to find it funny. Seeing Potter turn red with anger, clenching his fists as if he wanted to hit him. Weasmoche and Miss Know-it-all were always too quick to intervene for his taste.

So he had been doing it more and more often. It wasn't just when he passed him in the halls anymore, but when he saw him in class, too. Even during Quidditch matches. In fact, it didn't matter what time of day or what mood he was in. He had to annoy Potter. It had become as vital as breathing.

But by sixth grade, everything had changed.

Now he was a Death Eater. He must not only hate Potter. He must have wanted to kill him. Worse than that. He had to kill the Headmaster. Dumbledore had never been a person he particularly liked but... Damn it! The greatest wizard of all time. Not even You-Know-Who could stand up to him! And he... He had to kill him.

He also knew that once he had that, there would be no turning back. He absolutely had to see his sponsor. Draco was terrified, he never wanted this to happen. He ran to the dungeons. Maybe his godfather could help him. Maybe Snape would know what to do to get him out.

He arrived at the door, out of breath.

- He can't do that!

- Indeed...

He held back his hand as he was about to knock on the door when he heard the voices. He could recognize them easily enough.

- Severus. You know that Draco cannot kill me. It would be his undoing.

- So what can we do? Nothing was supposed to happen like this!

- ...

- You knew! Albus.... What did you do?

- You know the prophecy as well as I do, Severus.

- Those of the cursed lovers?

For a moment, Draco heard nothing. It was as if the two men were thinking. His heart was beating so fast that he was terrified of being spotted just by the noise he was making. But fortunately for him, the conversation resumed.

- The orphan of body and the orphan of heart. In the war they will find each other. And in adversity will love each other. But if they become allies, he who cannot love will win.

Draco froze completely. He didn't know about this prophecy. And what did it have to do with him? He wasn't an orphan for God's sake!

- The orphan of body. It is...

- Potter," Albus replied. He lost his parents, so he is physically an orphan.

- And the orphan of heart?

- A child, unloved by his family, who never received the love of his parents.

- You think it's...

- Draco Malfoy, indeed.

Draco's breath caught in his chest... What did that mean? Luckily for him, Severus asked the same question. He had never been so anxious waiting for an answer.

- Draco must have hated Harry. Otherwise, they would have become friends. Maybe even more, who knows. Then Voldemort will have what he needs. And he'll win. Then Draco must kill me. Harry will hate him. And he'll lose once and for all.

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