Friends ?

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When the golden griffin closes in on me, I can't help but sigh. Usually, this staircase leads to Dumbledore's office. It's been two years since he died, and I can't get used to it. Things are worse now that I'm in contact with Aberforth. He reminds me both of the man I once knew, but also makes me feel like I never really knew him.

When the griffin opens again, I take a few steps forward, and gently tap on the new director's door. Well, principal, rather. Professor McGonagall invites me in.

- Hello teacher.

I'm surprised, as I take a few steps forward, to see that one of the seats is already taken by a blonde head I know too well. On the other hand, the split lip and the black eyes are new. I take a deep breath, and prefer to concentrate on the new direction, which makes me a tender smile.

Still, I can't ignore the eyes that stare back at me. The last time I saw them, we were facing off against the hijackers, and the whole new ministry, while I was defending him. I don't know if it's really because of me, but he only got two months in Azkaban prison. I didn't think he would come back to Hogwarts.

- Potter, thank you for coming so quickly.

- Teacher, how can I help you?

- Oh, please Potter, settle down first.

I took the seat next to Draco. As usual, he stands straight, nose up, as if he's constantly challenging everyone around him. He just looks... less happy? Yes, I know, Draco has never really been happy. But now, I feel like it's worse. I don't really know how to explain it.

- Potter, how are you? How's the new school year going? Are Granger and Weasley okay too?

- Yes, very good. Thank you teacher. Why did you call me here?

- Oh, yes, of course. As you can see, Malfoy is back with us. The Ministry wanted to send him to a camp in Ireland to raise dragons. But I insisted that he come back to Hogwarts. After all, he still has a year to finish. Besides, he's less likely to get his head torn off here!

I can't help but hold back a laugh. I have risked my life every year by being in this school. Of course, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I shake my head to focus again on the witch who is making me.

- As you can see, many students are against his return here.

I turn, shocked, to him. He looks down. Did some of the students really hurt him? How is that possible!

- And the teachers did nothing?

- Unfortunately, Potter, the war took many lives. And the Slytherins did a lot of damage during that time, under the leadership of Professor Snape.

- But teacher! You know the truth though! I have shown you his thoughts!

In anger, I stand up abruptly, to face her. She signals me to calm down, so I try to take a deep breath. However, I am so frustrated that I start pacing behind our chairs.

- Yes, Potter. You and I both know the truth. And I must say I was very surprised. But how do you expect us to convince everyone. It's impossible to make everyone understand what really happened. But we can do something else.

- What teacher? Tell me? I won't let this happen again!

I point to Draco's still disfigured face. I guess Madam Pomfreshe doesn't have time to tend to his wounds yet, or he'd be in better shape. I'm not even sure the infirmary is operational again.

- I know that, Potter. That's why I asked you here. I want you to show off your new friendship with Malfoy.

- Excuse me?

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