13. The Casket Girls: Part 2

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A/N: Hello Dear Readers! Firstly wish you a Merry Christmas & a whole lot of Holiday Cheers! <3

Now, apologies for the delay. I will try & ensure there is no break in my weekly updates going forward. It's just that I have moved to New Delhi for a couple of months with both the kids, it kinda turned out to be more taxing than I thought it would. First a new born & then a toddler & on that the Delhi winters!! 

But good news is, we are kinda settled here now with a larger family, for a couple of months, until my husband returns from his secondment in London & we troop back to Mumbai! Anyway, holla to readers from Delhi, if I have any! We are neighbors now ;)

Anyway, lots of updates on me, now please go on and read!

Happy Reading! :)



I was looking at Cabir, as he sat on the couch next to the bed, doing something on his tab. My life was nothing short of a tornado ever since he set foot in our household, two days back. He finally turned up in the morning when I had revealed about Nandi's scandalous affair with Manik and therefore Manik's wedding got called off, the whole day went in confrontations, accusations and in a blur; I was just settling down, and had thought it was best to deal with our relationship the next day, when the news of Nandi's mother's demise came to us early in the morning; again another day went in a blur. That day was perfect, it seemed like the storm outside had died down, it was time to address the storm within.

"Cabir, we need to talk" I told him quietly, as I walked up to him and sat beside him on the couch. He looked at me unperturbed as he raised his eyebrows in question, and kept aside his tab to focus on me. I gulped unnecessarily; for the life of me, I didn't know how to begin. I found myself missing Nandi, I wish I could have discussed this with her, words were her thing, not mine.

"Navya, you know you can talk to me, right?" he spoke gently, encouraging me.

"Can I Cabir? Off late I feel..I don't know. I feel like..." I couldn't continue, the treacherous tears were out already and I was choking on my own words.

"What do you feel, Navya?" he asked, holding my hand gently.

"That I am not a part of your life anymore Cabir. We barely talk, and when we do, you hardly ask me anything, you answer in monosyllables, half the time I have no idea about your whereabouts, and you ignore me like the plague." I blabbered without any coherent train of thought. I was here to tell him I understood why he doesn't want to be with me, and I was supposed to set him free, but here I was complaining to him and begging him for some time. I hated myself at that moment, for my disorganized thoughts and treacherous tears and mouth.

Cabir was quiet for some time, as he looked deeply into my eyes, he was deep in his thoughts, I could tell. After a while, he spoke to me, "Why do you think it has come to this Navya?" He was calm and nurturing in his voice. I shook my head, as guilt consumed me. I didn't know if the reason was fair or not, but it was legitimate.

"Because of the baby thing, Cabir; I have tried so hard, I still am on medication. The doctors are saying, my window of fertility is nearing a close, too, but I haven't given up hope, not yet" I replied desperately trying to sound positive by smiling. I looked at him and he looked at me with pitiful eyes; it stung. It wasn't my fault that I couldn't conceive, it wasn't fair that I am put to trial for it, but here I was trying to save our marriage and there he was looking at me pitifully. I looked away in disappointment.

"Stop trying, Navya." he mumbled, gripping my hand tighter; by now I had retracted already, I was right in thinking of setting him free, I mentally chided myself for even trying one more time, I just had to let him go; it wouldn't change much, considering even without the divorce it wasn't like we were together.

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