Chapter Forty-Five

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Louis' pov

When Harry and I walk back into the house we're met with a very excited and jumpy Liv, who basically throws herself at Harry and jumps into his arms. 

He tumbles back and releases my hand to wrap his arms around her waist and stop her from falling while she just giggles.

This woman is a hundred percent high.

Maybe drunk too actually.

"What did you buy me ??" she whispers into his ear like it's a secret, except at the moment she doesn't really have control over her voice so it actually comes out pretty loud.

"It's a surprise." Harry whispers back in the exact same tone, putting her back down and Liv pulls away from him with a dramatic frown.

"You're mean." she mumbles, pouting.

"Where is the fun if I tell you ?" Harry says, walking back to me and handing me the shopping bag still in his hand.

"I'm surprised you've managed to take your hands away from each other long enough to go shopping." Niall says from the sofa next to us and I smack the back of his head, not paying anymore attention to him while he plays some game on his phone.

"You suck." Liv says, crossing her arms around her chest and walking back to the sofa, flopping down next to a half asleep Zayn, and yeah they're definitely all high as fuck.

Zayn when he's high is calm and kind of horny, Liv is energetic and runs around everywhere, and Niall is grumpy and annoying.

Well... even more annoying than he usually is.

"Keep being mean to me and I'll keep your gift for myself." Harry says, and the pout on Liv's lips disappears, her jaw dropping in utter shock. 

"Beautiful we're celebrating tonight, you'll get your gift soon." Harry chuckles, reaching out to grab her hand but she takes a step back.

"Louis ! Louis tell me, what did you get me ??" Liv turns to me, her eyes hopeful and I arch an eyebrow and just smirk, walking away from them and running up the stairs while she shouts. "Louis fucking Tomlinson !!"

"Who said I got you anything ?" I call, opening the door to our bedroom and putting the bag down on the bed.

"You suck too !!" she calls back and I laugh under my breath as I pull the gifts out of the bag and put them into the drawer of our nightstand, hiding them under the condoms and multiple bottles of lube we have. 

I'm sure Liv isn't gonna want to go look for them in here.

I go to walk out of the room and go back downstairs, but before I can get to the door Harry walks in and reaches out for me, resting his hands on my hips and he pushes me inside of the bathroom.

"What are you doing ?" I ask, letting him walk us inside.

"Can we take a bath ? I'm kind of cold and my back hurts a bit." he says, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to my lips and squeezing my hips.

"A bath ? That's it ?" I arch an eyebrow and Harry nods but he has a small mischievous smile on his lips.

"Do you need some painkillers or something ?" I ask a little more seriously, running my fingers through his hair and Harry shakes his head, leaning down to kiss my lips again.

"No I'm okay, I'm just a little tense I think."

"Alright." I smile, and then we start to undress each other.

I try to keep our movements gentle and slow, but Harry clearly has something on his mind. 

He drags his hands up and down my sides while I unbutton his shirt, and every time he moves he teases the curve of my ass with his fingers.

I try to ignore it, but I must admit it's hard to focus on anything when you have a fucking greek god teasing you and brushing their perfect lips against yours.

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