Family on the inside?

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After a bit more than 2 weeks after she had arrived home, she walked up her driveway after school with a strange sense of foreboding. Her mother wasn't waiting at the door, and there was no music or TV noises from the house. 

She knocked.


The door opened almost immediately. She breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw her Mother, but stopped abruptly.

"What is it?" she asked. Her mother looked so worried, so stressed.

"Is it Dad?" Avery asked.

"No...well, not really. Come inside. There's a visitor."

Avery cocked her head in confusion. A visitor?

The visitor turned out to be one of the three people she hated most in the world. Kale. Pandora's accomplice, Kale.

She backed up a few steps, gaping, then sprinted into the kitchen and called 911. Due to the past events, Avery's phone was set up so that she just had to call 911, and not say anything. They would arrive regardless, just to check things out.

When she returnded to the living room, Kale was still seated, looking confused, and Hailey was waiting.

"What was that?" she asked.

"I needed to wash my face." Avery lied.

"Just listen to him Avery."

Avery whipped around to face her mother, giving her an are you crazy? look.

"This is Kale, Mum. Pandora's accomplice." she said it slowly, as if to make her mother understand.

Hailey gave Avery a long, angry look that said I know! How stupid do you think I am?

From the armchair he was situated on, Kale cleared his throat.

"Hi Avery." he said.

She did nothing but stare at him. 

"Ok, look, I'll explain," he held his arms out, palms towards her, to surrender, "I've known Pandora all her life - we grew up neighbours. I lived in the farmhouse next to hers. I knew her cousin too -Matthew."

Avery stood, her hands on her hips, staring at him.

"I know that..but what do you want?" she asked.

"Hear me out. When the fire killed Lianne - Pandora's mother and Matthew's aunt - she came to me with frustration, anger and revenge. She wanted to hurt your father so badly, it was actually quite scary. She talked about it nonstop until one day, we all got our chance. We heard that Drew's beloved daughter Avery was boarding a plane to go visit him. And all of a sudden, Pandora was at my door, with a plan. She wanted to catch the same plan and crash it, letting the three of us escape. She wanted to see Drew's face when he realised you were dead." Kale spoke to his hands.

Nobody said anything.

"After she failed to kill you, Pandora was broadcasted all over the news. I think Drew must have seen it, because he contacted her straight away. I don't know how, but they were talking to eachother over the phone when -"

Avery laughed out loud scornfully.

"My Dad talked to Pandora?That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, right Mum?" she was surprised to see that Hailey didn't react. She looked directly in front of her.

He's manipulating her. Where is the police?

"I knew that's what you were going to say, but please just listen to me. It's important. I'm pretty sure they made a deal, somehow. It involved Pandora no longer hurting Drew in exchange He was paying her to keep her quiet. But then, out of nowwhere, he called again. And this time, he had a plan. He said that together, they could both get what they wanted."

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