I never lost you

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Italy tossed and turned in his bed.

"Italy! I promise I'll come back, then we can rebuild the Roman Empire together!" A young blonde blue eyed boy called as he waved good bye.

"Good bye Holy Rome! Come back safe!" The young Italian shouted back.

His dreams have been the same for the past month. Italy jolted out of bed, not wanting to relive being told that Holy Rome wouldn't be coming back. Still in that sleep like trance Italy followed the hallway down. He stopped at the third door to his left and opened it a crack. He looked at the figure in the bed. He studied the blonde hair that was slightly above blonde eyebrows, and the eyelids that hid icy blue orbs. He stood there for a few seconds. He was so accustomed to running to Germany whenever he had trouble sleeping but tonight it was unbearable. As quietly as he could, he closed the door and turned to face the adjacent room. He didn't even bother being quite opening it or walking to the side of the bed. He looked at the white hair of the albino, and grabbed the collar of his bed shirt and shook him awake.

"What's going on." The Prussian asked in a sleep filled voice.

Italy shook him roughly again to expel all of the sleep out of him.

"Italy? What the he-"

"Why can't we tell him?" Italy asked glaring into Prussia's red eyes with his own golden honey brown ones.

"Italy, what are you talking about?"

"Germany damn it!" Prussia flinched; Italy rarely lashed out like this, and when he did, it was never good for who was on the receiving end. "It's getting harder and harder to even look at him!" Italy continued. "Because every time I look at him I see Holy Rome! But he doesn't know, and he'll never know, and it's driving me insane!"

"Italy," Prussia said in an attempt to calm the young nation. "You know we can't tell him."

"Why?" Italy snapped at Prussia.

"Because, he'll get hurt if we do!" Prussia snapped back. He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "Italy, those are literally painful memories."

Italy stood still for a second shaking slightly. He harshly released Prussia's collar and walked back to his room.

Italy locked the door, and walked to the wall. He was shacking, but not with fear, or sadness, but with anger. He fiercely punched the wall, leaving a hole and sunk down to his knees, crying. 'He'll never remember me. He'll never remember our promise."

Germany sighed after finishing his morning coffee. He knew that he'd have to go wake up Italy, again. He walked over to the Italian's room and knocked on the door. I hopeful habit he had gotten into. He knew Italy wouldn't be up.

"Go away." A voice called from the other side of the door. Germany was shocked. "Italia?" He called.

"Go away!" Italy called louder this time. There was something in his voice that Germany couldn't understand. That he couldn't place his finger on.

"Italy, what's wrong?" The blonde asked.

"Go away!" Italy screamed through tears. Germany heard something crash against the door. He didn't know what to do, but it was now clear what was in Italy's voice. "Ok." Germany said walking away, with the image of fear and agony in Italy's voice being caused by him.

As Germany walked down the hallway he passed his older brother. In a desperate attempt to figure out what was happening he asked, "Prussia, do you know what's wrong with Italy?"

Prussia's eyebrows crawled closer together. He was clearly upset, and somewhat worried. "West, go train or something." Prussia ordered.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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