Chapter 3

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After a few an hour of me sleeping in a truck, I woke up from a nightmare, I seen something in the corner of my eye, Daryl. He was tapping on the window so I rolled it down, "You okay? Sounded like your were having a nightmare," he sounded concerned. I controlled my breathing, closed my eyes and looked down at my feet. I looked back at Daryl and hopped out of the truck, "yeah just a mad dream, what's the plan now?" I changed the subject. He looked around, "well at the moment we made a pathway to get the RV and 2 cars out. I'm about to head over to Dale to see what he thinks, wanna come?" I wiped my hands down on my jeans, I started to walk Dale's way but Daryl stopped me, "listen if you need to talk, I'm all ears," I gave him a smile and a nod, "maybe one day but right now we gotta get our shit together."

When we got to the RV, I heard Dale talking to Glenn, "if the RVs stay, I am too," I could tell he was very protective of his RV. Daryl and I gave each other a confusing look, "what's going on?" I asked looking at Dale, I had a worried look on him, "it'd T-Dog, he has a very serious blood infection, he needs antibiotics and stitches." Glenn came over, "well if your all staying, them I am," but Dale didn't give him a chance to finish. "not you Glenn, your going to take Carol's Cherokee and take T-Dog back to this farm to get checked," I mean that's a smart move and Hershel can look at him. I have Dale a nod in approval. 

Daryl walked over to I presume his bike, "keep ya oliy rags off me brothers motorbike," he has a brother? Then where is he? He threw the rag away and got a stash of bottles of drugs out, who is this brother of his? "Why'd ya wait til not to say something? Merle has some shit here. Crystal X, don't need that, got some kick ass pain killer, Oxycycline, not the genetic shit neither. first call, Merle got the clap on occasion," I explained to Dale. I went over and gave T-Dog the bottle for the farmhouse, Carl will definitely need them too. I looked up and TJ was smiling at me and gave me a nod. I looked up at the, " only and hour left before dark, I'm gonna get some fire wood for some heat. Dale and TJ, your on watch, Glenn and T-Dog should go now, Carol and Andrea go find some food in some cars," I ordered and no one had noting to say. 

Everyone went to do there task and as I was about to go look for some wood, someone came up behind me, " your letting her on watch?" I grunted at Andrea, I walked over to her, "what's the problem now? She can handle herself and Dale is with her," I turned around and hoping she dropped it, "I don't trust her," she scoffed, I turned around getting into her face, "then lucky no one asked for opinion then," I had to walkaway, I don't know why it mad me angry that she was talking to TJ like that, she thinks before she speaks like she's scared of getting into trouble. I went over to TJ, aye, you be okay with Dale?" I just had to be sure that she's cool with it. She smiled, "yeah just come back soon and be careful," she ordered. I gave her a small smirk, "yes Ma'am," and walked away, and when I did it kind of made me lonely and sad. She's making be feel things that I never felt before and I'm interested to see where they lead to.


I did what Daryl told me to do and that was to stay on watch, I checked on Carol from time to time, Dale told me that the group was looking for her daughter Sophia, I couldn't image to know what she was feeling. I went to Dale who was next to T-Dog and I remembered that I has some water in my backpack, "here, you need it more than me," I gave the dark man my water. "Thanks," he said walking to the car with Glenn then drove off to the farmhouse. "I remember that Rick told me something about his daughter loves to play the guitar," Dale then pulled out a light brown in very good condition guitar. My face lit up seeing it, "wow." I chuckled a little. "Found it yesterday going through theses cars and decided to hang on to it. you mind going on look out for a few hours?" he asked and I smiled and my head then climbed to the top of the RV. 

I sat on the camper chair with my crossbow at my feet and the guitar in my hands, I started to lightly play an old song, Puddle of Mudd "She Hates Me". 

"Met a girl, thought she was grand
Fell in love, found out first hand
Went well for a week or two
Then it all came unglued

In a trap, trip I can't grip
Never thought I'd be the one who'd slip
Then I started to realize
I was living one big lie

She fucking hates me
Trust, she fucking hates me
La, la, la love
I tried too hard and she tore my feelings like I had none
And ripped them away"

I laughed at the fact that I could still play this song it's been so long. I played it over and over again singing in my head until I seen it was just on dark and someone got a little fire going in front of the RV. Someone came up to the RV and I thought it was Dale but the voice was more raspy, "you know how to play Puddle of Mudd?" Daryl asked me. I laughed to myself as I put the guitar next to me, "yeah and some others, keeps my mind clear," I got up walking to him. "Look I'm gonna go walk the woods shine some ight for the little girl hopefully she might see it, you good here?" I went back to the chair, "yeah I told Dale that I'll be on watch until he wants to take over," and I was happy to. Daryl made a grunt sound, "I've told Dale my plan and Andrea is coming with me so its just you, Dale and Carol," he informed me. "Be carful" I told him, "you too", he said climbing down the ladder towards the woods.

Dale came up with his riffle, "she'll be okay with Daryl," I said looking out to the woods. He gave me a bright smile and went to the chair next to me, I picked up my crossbow and started cleaning it. "What happens if Shane doesn't make it back in time for Carl and he dies?" I asked Dale, he had a shocked look I him. "I'm sure Shane will make it in time, you just have to think positive we all do." I nod my head and went back to cleaning my crossbow. I must of been in deep thought because I didn't hear Carol beside me, "you can go rest. I'll keep on look out with Dale, I can't sleep anyway," I could tell she has been crying and I don't blame her. I looked to Dale it see if it's okay, he gave me a smile nod. I smiled at Carol and picked up my things, "wake me up if there's any problems. I'll be in the red truck," I said climbing down the RV and over to the truck.

I laid down putting the guitar and crossbow on the floor, my backpack under my head and my knives on the dashboard for easy and fast reaching. I must of been tired because soon as I put my head down past out. 

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