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"Hello,you're majesties."

All of the servant bowed as they greeted the two rulers infront of them.dion looked at them in a boring manner and nodded,he had his arm wrapped around by naiver's arm and both of them headed inside.this palace wasn't too different with the one in the east but it's color was gloomy and dark.

The man escorted his lover inside and she saw the inside of the palace.it was slightly brighter but it was only because of the lights,she also saw several roses and crystals in red.navier raised a brow as she thought:

'I thought dion had never been interested in jewels...hmm..strange.'

She glanced at the tall man beside her and shrugged,after reaching the bedroom door dion turned to her and navier smiled as she gaved her husband a peck in the cheek and said "goodnight,my dear.." the man with red eyes did not answer as he simply walked away.this may seem that he doesn't acknowlege his own wife but that was simply not true.

After when he reached his own bedroom,he covered his cheek and smiled.a red,bright hue covered his pale cheeks as he remembered the soft lips of his wife,he headed to his bed and layed down.meanwhile,with navier she was also quite flustered.

But it didn't bother her,as she just giggled and went to sleep.

*At the eastern empire*

Sovieshu slammed his fists on his desk table.he never forgets the smirk of that devil who stoled his wife.he was seething in rage as he clutched his head,he was in pain.the heart he carried for navier has been torn apart as he saw her faded away in the hands of a....monster.

He covered his face with his hand as he remembered all his memories with navier.as he sat there,a familiar silver haired girl was watching him suffer.she frowned heavily,

'Unbelievable.!i already knew the  empress only used his majesty for power but now she left him for another man.geez..how selfish is she?'

She walked in the room and sovieshu noticed her "rashta...why are you still up this late?" The said woman fidgeted with her fingers as she stared at the raven haired man.

"It is because i'm worried for his majesty's health.." rashta walked closer to the man and wrapped her
Arms around him,embracing him..sovieshu widened his eyes as he thought about navier's warmth a long time ago..

"I-..i knew that her majesty was having a-an affair with lord d-dion!it was just that lord dion threathened me not to u-utter a word or else!!" She cried making sovieshu looked at her "what!?" "It's true..!!" He gritted his teeth as he thought about the intimidating man.the man who stoled his wife like the beast he is.just thinking about the man made his blood boil.

Patting rashta's head,he had his eyes narrowed as he was plotting to get those two to part from each other,forever...but the question was...how?


A man with ebony hair,stood up from his bed as he walked away from his room to greet his beloved.but,he saw his wife with a worried face making him asked what's wrong. "Navier..what is wrong?" The blonde woman turned to her lover and responded "Sovieshu is here." He slightly widened his eyes but it quickly darkened and he immediately
Walked outside to...greet his unwanted guest.he was face to face with the man in blue.

"...and what in the blazes were you thinking to be visiting in my empire,sovieshu.?"

The said man clicked his tongue and sneered at dion "I am here to bring back MY wife." Dion scowled "Not a chance." The two males glared at each other until navier came outside.she turned to sovieshu with a frown "and what are you doing here,sovieshu?" Sovieshu then grips on the gates that is used to be a barrier to part him away from the two lovers.

"Navier!!please come back!please.." sovieshu shouted making navier furrowed her brows as she stared at him,did he really forget that he was the one who divored her?she frowned deeply as she replied to him.

"Sovieshu...did you really forget about the divorce.??" She frowned even harder when she heard his answer. "YES!But i forbid you to get remarried by..this..MONSTER!!" She sighed deeply as she face-palmed due to his stupidity while her lover dion watches the man in disgust.


She glared at the man with a serious look as she spoke: "We are already divored.you were the one who asked for it,yes?and i accepted it for the sake of you and rashta." Sovieshu widened his eyes and navier continued with her words "and not only that,why would you be coming back when you already had a lover.you can't just remarry me after you divored me,sovieshu.."

He gritted his teeth.it was true..she had a point,but there was not a single empress that remarried through history!so why in the world she had to be remarried!?!?especially to him!!

Navier sighed,"please leave..you are creating a commotion and all of these people are wondering to why is the emperor of the eastern empire is here." Sovieshu felt a hand placed his shoulder,he glanced at his assistant who is whispering to him. "You're..majesty,lady naiver is correct,look.!!" He pointed at the many people who were staring at him.

Cheeks gone red due to embarassment,he clicked his tongue. "And don't you forget..." he turned to dion who had a smirk plastered on his face as he leaned to the emperor's ear.

"You're the one who decided to divorce his woman..so,it isn't my fault that you regretted this decision of yours.." his smirk never falters as he continued to taunt sovieshu. "So..i really do hope you live a shitty life.with that harlot of a lover of yours."

Navier and dion walked away,heading inside of the palace leaving a very frustrated and pissed off sovieshu.dion will never forgets the face that sovieshu gave him,it was intensely satisfying,and to have him looked throught his decisions was indeed a sight to see.

"What do you plan to eat,my love?" Navier asked her husband,dion hums and think "...eggs." the woman laughed as her lover looked at her weirdly,was his answer odd?

No.it was just that she manage to make the dull and emotionless man turned into a puppy because of her.

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