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Louis' tired. He didn't get a lot of sleep the night before, too busy staring at the ceiling. He doesn't know why he randomly can't sleep at night, but it happens once a week usually and he doesn't really care enough to tell anyone about it.

He'll survive with the fatigue and make his way through the day.

The first bit of school went by fine, he didn't do much. He's always been a good student, well, in relation to his behavior. He takes his notes, he doesn't disturb the class, and he only talks when the teacher calls on him. That might be a reason for his lack of friends, but oh well.

Now though, he's walking into math. His head is low as he makes his way to the back of the classroom. He really hates math. Once he's in his seat he raises his head to see that Harry is sitting next to him, they make eye contact and Harry smiles at him. "Hey Louis"

"Hi" Louis nods in response.

Harry leaves it as that since the bells rings and the teacher comes in and starts teaching. Louis tries not to zone out but it's always so hard to pay attention. He looks over to Harry who looks deep in thought as he jots down what the teacher is talking about.

As if sensing Louis' eye on him he turns his head and makes eye contact with the smaller boy. A small smile adorns his face before he turns back to his notes. Louis furrows his eyebrows and looks at his desk, which is lacking any notes.

He should probably take notes, it's probably why Harry is actually good at math. But Louis just can't bring himself to.

When class is almost over and Louis' mood is slowly rising the teacher stops her lesson and announces that she's going to be handing out the quizzes.

Louis gets an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach as she passes out the quizzes.

What if he failed? His mom would be so mad at him. But he copied off of Harry so he couldn't of failed. But what if the teacher knows he copied? What if gets suspended for cheating? That would make his mom even more mad. Or if Harry didn't actually do well on the quiz, and they both fail. Then Harry would feel bad for giving Louis the wrong answers, and Louis would feel guilty for forcing Harry to show him his answers. But he didn't force Harry to give him answers, Harry offered. But what if-

His thoughts are interrupted as his quiz is put on his desk front facing down. He takes two deep breaths and tries to force his stomach to stop hurting before he grabs the paper and flips it over.

He is in complete shock when he sees a 12/15 on the top of his quiz. He rubs his fingers over the numbers and does the mental math (that he's surprised he can do). He got an 80. and 80! That would bring up his D+ to at least a C.

"What'd you get?" Harry asks from beside him.

"Uh, 12" Louis can't keep the small grin off of his face when he answers.

"That's good, Louis" Harry responds.

Louis finally lifts up his head to look at Harry. He looks incredibly soft. His hair reaches his shoulder just barely, and Louis can imagine that he puts in a headband when he plays basketball. He's wearing a soft looking hoodie that would envelope Louis, and he has a small smile on his face that makes his left dimple peek out.

Louis always knew Harry was pretty. He also always has knew that he was gay, but he hasn't acted on it or told anyone. He also definitely can't get a crush on Harry, since he is incredibly popular and probably only talks to Louis since he is outgoing and is sat next to him.

He wouldn't like Louis back anyways, even if he was gay. Louis is too average looking, and too dumb.

"Thanks" He tries to hide his blush. "What about you?"

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