Help 1: You

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Do you know the feeling of being alone even though there's a lot of people surrounding you? Do you sometimes cry without even knowing the reason? if yes, then this message is for you.

If you feel that you are the only one feeling this, then the answer is no. I, you, and we feel the same. No need to hide your loneliness, no need to hide your tears because no one will judge you. 

If you are feeling alone or if you can't handle your emotions anymore, Call or talk to someone whom you trust and vent your feelings out. But if you're like me, who thinks that she is a bother to others, then I recommend you to listen to a song. Not hype songs but the one that will make you cry.

 Why? so you can cry your heart out, so when someone asked you why are you crying, you finally have a reason to tell.

If you're feeling insecure then I want to tell you, you matter, you're worth it, and even though we haven't see each other yet, I'm sure you are a beautiful/handsome creation. Never let those insecurities shatter you.

Remember, crying is okay, feeling insecure is okay, but what's not okay is if you let those things wreck you.  You are stronger than what you think, believe in YOUrself.

"A strong person is not the one who doesn't cry. A strong person is the one who cries and shed tears for a moment, then gets up and fight again" - Unknown


Please call National Center for Mental Health Crisis Hotline : 0966-351-4518 if you're not feeling okay mentally. <<3

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