Chapter 9- Good Luck!

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Hey girlies! Ok I was gonna wait to post this but I couldn't! I was too excited! So I hope you enjoy! I know I did!

Mary POV

I don't know what happened. I guess they had been at the beach because Daphne had asked me to come, but I refused because I had another job before the boy's tour. And luckily it had been in Florida, so I could just drive there.

By the time I had gotten to Florida the boys had found Daphne asleep in a cave about half a mile away. We were now back in the hotel and she hadn't woken up yet, but it was two in the morning so I would hope she wouldn't.

I sneaked out of the room I was sharing with Daphne and made my way to Louis'. He had to know what had happened because I knew nothing, and he's the one that probably caused it. "Louis!" I whispered by his bed. No answer, he didn't even stir. "Louis!" I whispered a little louder and again nothing. "LOUIS!!!!!" I shouted right in his ear and he jumped and practically hit the ceiling. 1D member down!

"Ahhh!!!!" he shouted jumping and falling off the bed.

I grabbed a pillow and started hitting him (hard) before he could even think of getting up. "What are you doing?!" Louis shouted fully awake now.

"Feeding your fish! What do you think I'm doing?" I sarcastically yelled at him.

"Well, if you're gonna feed my fish then at least let me get up!" he said swatting the pillow away.

"Nah, I'm good. You deserve it and this is too much fun!"

"Just let me up!"

"Fine." I said throwing the pillow behind me and knocking something over. Oh well.

"Now, why are you hitting me with a pillow?" Louis asked getting up and sitting on the bed.

I stayed standing and asked, "What did you do to her?"

"What do you mean?" Louis asked in confusion. Oh I know he knows.

"I mean what is going on here? Daphne just called me sobbing and told me to come down. I have no idea who did what, but I have a feeling you did some of what happened because I know someone did something to make her that way, but I don't know what someone did what or what who did anything or what! I need to know what happened to her!"

"Well, we were at the beach, the boys went to get the car and I stayed with Daphne, then we almost kissed and-" I stopped him and slapped him right across the face. I could feel my face getting red like my hair and knew I had to calm down. But I couldn't

"Are you crazy!? She has a boyfriend! Do you realize that you almost kissed a boy who has a boyfriend! She's in love with him, skypes him everyday, the whole thing! Do you know what you have done? You might have just ruined her life!" I yelled. I realized what I had said and sat down on the floor with my head in my hands. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok. You are a redhead." Louis said coming to the floor next to me and hugged me. "I didn't know she had a boyfriend. I'm so stupid."

"No, it's fine, but you need to apologize to her."

"But she almost kissed me. And she has a boyfriend. How?" Louis asked with his arm around me.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask her." I got up and opened the door. "Right now."

"What?" Louis asked.

I pulled him up and pushed him out the door closing it behind us. Then I pulled him over to Daphne's door. "You need to apologize and tell her how you feel right now." I commanded facing him and grabbing his shoulders. "Wake her up nicely. Don't hurt her or I will hurt you. And don't! Kiss her! Good luck!" I chirped pushing him into the door, closed it, then leaned against it so he couldn't get out. Let's hope for the best!


Louis POV

Mary pushed me into Daphne's room and when I turned around to protest the door was closed.

Well, it's now or never. I walked over to Daphne and gently shook her. Aw she looked so cute when she was asleep! "Daph! Hey, Daph!" I whispered and shook her a bit more.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me confused. She was so adorable. Wow I sound like Liam.

"Lou?" She asked sitting up. "What are you doing here?"

I sat down next to her and whispered, "I'm sorry Daph! Mary told me everything! I didn't know you had a boyfriend!"

"Lou? Why are you whispering?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Oh, sorry" I talked in normal volume.

"It's on though. I'm sorry I ran away plus it's not your fault you didn't know."

"I still almost kissed you though! I didn't mean to you were just right there and the light was catching your pretty face and I didn't know what to do and you were looking at me and I started leaning in and-" I was cut off by Daphne kissing me. Wait, what?"


Daphne POV

He just kept babbling on about how sorry he was and I couldn't stop thinking about how cute it was! So I kissed him. Wait. I kissed him?

My eyes were closed an my lips were on Louis' and I pulled away with a smile on my face.

"What did you just do?" Louis asked shaking his head in confusion.

"That was my apology. But I can't do that again. Not when I have a boyfriend." I said sadly. I really did want to date Louis, but I couldn't do that to Andie! I can't even tell him about this! Should I?

"Well, you should apologize more often!" Louis laughed. "But I understand." Awwww how sweet!

"Now it's three in the morning and I need sleep, so out!!!" I said pushing him towards the door. "I love you, not like that, but I also love sleep! Leave!" I opened the door and added "And say hi to Mary for me!" I closed the door and slid down onto the floor. I kissed Louis Tomlinson. I kissed Louis Tomlinson. I kissed Louis Tomlinson. I kept repeating that in my head over and over. Oh my gosh. I KISSED LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!!!!!!! I squealed and started shaking my arms and legs. I FREAKING KISSED LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!!!!!!!!


Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok! I may or not be writing for a bit because of school and stuff, but I'll write when I can!!! Yay!


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