Chapter 15- Found

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"No!" I squealed to Abigail.

"Yes! I'm not kidding!" Abigail squealed back.

"You got me a job at Starbucks?"

"Yes, yes I did!"

"OH my gosh!

"But you have to be there in two hours! And I have to go!" Abigail said and ran out the door leaving me stunned.

"Um, ok. Bye?" I laughed and walked out the door as well with an umbrella to go to the park. As I walked there it started to rain, and I pulled out my umbrella.

I pulled my scarf tighter as my brown boots splashed into the puddles forming. Thankfully I had also worn a red sweater and jeans because it was pretty cold.

If I have to be there in two hours then I'm going to take a walk of freedom. I had been walking for about half an hour when I heard my name being called and I turned around to see Niall and Mary running down the street. I ran that's all I did was run.

I turned down and street and thought about what I had just seen. It didn't look like he knew I was there he was just looking for me. I'm not one that wants to be found though.

 I kept walking when I heard my name again from a different voice, and I turned around to find Liam also running. I ran through the park and past shops until I made it around a corner and was far from Liam. Then now again I heard my name being called by Zayn and Harry.

So again I ran as fast as I could. "I found her!" Harry shouted and I didn't look back. I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to go back to being confused. Besides, I was in Paris! Who would want to leave here? Even if it is raining.

Finally after I thought I had lost everyone I walked slower and actually thought about what was going on. They were looking for me. So that was Harry under the awning, and he's the one that called my name because he knew what I looked like and probably told all the others.

The rain started to get harder as I kept walking aimlessly until the clock told me to go home to get ready for my new job. Oh wow I have a job at Starbucks in Paris. Of all places.

"Daphne! Daph! I know you're here!" I heard a voice I knew too well. "Louis?" I whispered and turned around to find him standing there looking around.

"Louis!" I ran. But not to get away from him, I ran straight towards him. "LOUIS!" I shouted in happiness and ran right into his arms where it felt like home. Dang! This boy gives such great hugs.

"I found you!" Louis smiled stroking my hair and I pulled away from our hug.

"You came all the way to Paris to find me?"

"And to do this," he said and his lips touched mine. I was shocked, but relaxed into it and kiss back. And it was in the rain where my umbrella had somehow clichely fallen to the ground and was now as soaked as I was. I pulled away and smiled.

"Paris is a very good place to do that." I laughed and grabbed his hand after picking up my umbrella. I didn't bother to open it back up.

"So you're a blonde now?" Louis asked picking up a piece of my hair and letting it fall back down.

"Yep! And blue!" I motioned to the blue streak in my hair."Oh!" I squealed and pulled out my phone. It rang twice before she picked up. "Hey,Abs? I might be a little late."


It's so short and I'm sorry I left you guys stranded! I've been super busy, so I'm trying my best! Let me konw your opinion in the comments below! See! Right down there!!! Below this! Love you!

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