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"We have to think, strategize," Jennifer says as we drive in Dewey's car. "Milton's the key to everything."

"He's a pervert, not a killer," Gale says.

"Doesn't matter," I say. "Pervert's a pervert. I say we put a bullet in his head. I'll do it gladly."

Jennifer gestures to me. "He's gotta be involved somehow. We should follow him."

"We're gonna go back to the precinct and tell Kincaid and Sidney what we found out," Gale says, annoyed.

"My Gale would be much more aggressive," Jennifer says. "My Gale would suspect everybody."

"Hmm. You should've tried out for my part then," I say, putting a piece of gum in my mouth.

Jennifer ignores me. "My Gale would—"

"Shut up!" both Gale and Dewey say at the same time.

Dewey's phone starts ringing, so he answers it and says, "Riley here. Hey, Sid. I'm with Gale. We're on our way to see you." Jennifer leans forward to listen in on what Sid says. "Wait, Sid, I'm not so sure that such a good idea. No—We—we're on our way. But still, Sid—" He closes the phone.

"What?" Gale and I ask at the same time.

"Looks like we're going to that party after all," Dewey says, and I groan.

"Hey, guys. Come on in. Join the party," Roman says as the four of us get out of Dewey's car and walk into his house.

"Yeah, well, actually we're here to see Sidney," Gale says.

"Really? Sidney's here."

"Where? Where's Sidney?" Dewey asks.

"She's right there," Roman says, pointing to Angelina.

"The real Sidney Prescott, dumbass," I say. "Where is she?"

Jennifer sits down on one of the couches, and us other three walk around the living room. "Sidney Prescott?" Roman asks. He shakes his head. "No, I'd never invite her here."

"She's on her way," Gale says.

Roman lifts his glass. "Well, the more the merrier."

"I'm anti-social for a reason," I say to Gale, who shakes her head at Roman.

"God, this house is incredible," Angelina says in astonishment. "It's old Hollywood."

"Yeah, could the dude have more money?" Tyson says.

"Supposedly, Milton has a secret screening room that was like the scene back in the 70s, you know. It was, like, drinks and drugs and girls and movies and shit."

"Wow! Wish I could've seen it," Angelina says.

"Big old screening room shouldn't be to hard to find," Roman says. "I'm gonna go check this place out."

"Woah, woah!" Tyson says, both him and Angelina standing up. "Just one damn minute. There's a psycho killer on the loose, and you wanna go traipsing around this gigantic mansion? Have you ever actually seen the Stab movies?" He gestures to Dewey. "Every time this dude enters a room, he ends up a goddam shish kebab!"

I snicker.

"I'll go with you, Roman," Jennifer says.

"There you go," Roman says, pointing to her. "You guys wanna come?"

"It'll be okay," Angelina says. "We're gonna stick together." She starts to follow Roman and Jennifer.

"You're not stickin'. Wait up," Tyson says, following her.

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