Part 1

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(Sorry, this book was momentarily unpublished for reasons unknown.)



"Y/n!!" You hear your name called from across the street. Your head spins fast as it can with a basket balancing on it. Your old pal, Johnan, frantically waves at you with a cheerful grin from ear to ear on his face. You chuckle at the sight, only able to wave with your tail back at him, for both your arms are full. With groceries. The old friend of yours laughs, seeing your arms are very much full. "Need any help?!" He calls over the tank-like creatures that were the Ravengers as they zoom between you on the road. With no immediate excuse, Johnan sees that as a 'yes' and weaves through traffic to help you out. He grabs one of the bags with his own tail and another two on each arm, leaving dark rings on your violet skin where the handles of such bags had once been. 

"So what's gotten you all excited today, Johnan?" You question as the two of you begin the stroll back to your house. 

"Wh- it's my birthday of course! No way you forgot THAT! That is like basic friendship trivia!" He exclaimed! "And we've been friends for- long was it..?" You both paused for a moment, looking down at your fingers as you did the math with them. 

"13" "13" You both came to the same conclusion at the same time. 

"Wait, so it IS your birthday?!?... Aww, man! I'm really sorry! I had a present and everything planned out, just..." 

"Lost track of time..?" 


"Well, no worries. I am a pretty forgetable person, afterall." He said teasingly. 

"Are not!" You elbowed him, making him laugh. The banter continued for a little longer before more diar questions had to be asked, "Well now I still feel really bad about forgetting! What do you have planned today?" 

"Nothing really. I have just been meeting up with friends all day and hanging out. You're the last one, actually." 

"Well then, looks like it all depends on me to make this special day end with a kaboom!" 



"Haha, okay okay, I get it! But seriously, I don't really care about anything big." 

"Then how about this? Since there isn't enough time in the day to make you wait for me to get you your present, how about you just come with me instead?!" 

"Uhhh, sure! Sounds like fun!" 

That decided, you two reached your house and quickly put everything away; enough food and soap to take care of you and just you for a whole month or two! That's also the only one you need to feed now anyways, since you moved out of your parents' house almost two years ago now! That's actually one of the reasons you and Johnan got even closer than ever in the last year or so, because he moved out a year later and with no good relatives, looked to you for guidance instead.

Once everything was put away --you would just have to go back to being an organization freak when you got back, since Johnan didn't really know where anything belonged, but you were in a hurry-- then you ran back out into the bustling city sidewalks, the unknowing Johnan racing after you.

You both arrived, finally, at the big mall you two could usually only drool at while passing by. Bit now, with a moment of hesitation, you entered.

"Oop. This sign says no shape-shifting. Y/n~ you're breaking the rules~" Johnan pointed at a sign inside the massive, pristine building.

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