Part 2

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It's the end of the class for our first day and I just pack my things before we all go. It's such a tiring day even tho I haven't really do something yet.

"Wanna go shopping, Winter?" I knew they would ask something like that. These two are always addicted to shopping, especially that we're in High School now.


Another day started and I'm taking a deep breathe before leaving our house because another day of hearing some chitchats about me or my family. Good thing my parents let my friends study there too, if not, I'll be the biggest loser they'll ever meet.

I brought my earphones out to listen some music so I can calm down even just a bit. But I was a little bit comfortable than yesterday knowing that some students are talking to me, Yeji. Who seems to be the crush of Ryujin. I smiled at the thought of Ryujin blushing when she saw her. Yeji is beautiful.

We just arrived and the first 2 people I saw was my ugly best friends. They quickly ran to my direction the moment they saw me, so was the other students who seems interested in me I dont know why.

"I heard there's a newcomer in our section today." Giselle told me like she's whispering. Ryujin just hit the back of her head knowing that I looked confused.

"I mean, she didn't attend class yesterday because I heard she hates first days. And I also heard she's gorgeous and sexy." Giselle really is like a playgirl who likes every beautiful girl she sees, except me of course.

We started walking through the hallway while talking about the new girl she's talking about, she seemed pretty excited about her.

"Want a challenge?" We all stopped in our tracks to hear what Giselle is gonna say. This is kind of interesting, knowing Giselle, her plan is always fun.

"First person to caught her attention will be treated something and the first person who makes her fall in love, we will do anything that person wanted us to do. So?" I am still debating because it is kind of risky since we might hurt the person's feelings.

"I won't do it, I have my eye to someone already." Ryujin's already blushing means I know who it is. Giselle is looking at me waiting for my answer.

"No, she might get hurt." It's funny how I am caring about the person even if I didn't meet her yet. I'm nervous.

"Wow, Winter Kim is concern. That's new." Giselle teased me, Ryujin just laughed. I admit I'm kind of a bitch and cold back then, or... until now?

"Shut up, let's get to class." They're still teasing me about it, until we reached the classroom and we saw the girl seating on a familiar place next to the window.

"Excuse me, that is actually occ--" I didn't let Ryujin finish her sentence because the girl seems to be quiet and doesn't want any distractions watching the beautiful scenery outside the Building.

"No, you can take that seat." I just told Giselle and Ryujin to just move one seat left side. So right now the girl is beside me and she looks intimidating but I can see she's soft and a cheerful person.

Our class started and it is still kind of boring so I ran out of energy even if I didn't do anything yet. I was spacing out until the bell rang, they all ran to the cafeteria, I guess they were all hungry because they all looked like a zombie just now. We're about to leave but then the girl beside me looks like she doesn't have a plan on eating and just stare outside the window.

"Miss? Aren't you gonna eat?" I tapped her shoulder lightly, but she flinched. She looked at me and I saw the light bruise on her lips, she quickly turn her head away to hide it but I already saw it, my friends didn't.

"I'm not that hungry." She answered, she has an angelic voice, but it is filled with sorrow and it is kinda shaky. I'm now concerned about her.

We left the room and eat at the cafeteria, Yeji invited us three to join them. As expected, Ryujin is excited and asked me if she can be beside Yeji, I said yes to make my friend happy.

While eating, all I think about was the girl earlier. I'm worried that she might get sick for not eating. Aish, Winter why are you so concerned about the person you just saw?

We're about to leave the cafeteria and go back to our room when I found myself going to the stalls and buy atleast water and a sandwhich.

Students are following me since I'm alone, they kinda look like obsessed with me now? I'm just kidding. But it really looks like that. Until someone blocked me before I enter our room.

"Hi, can we be friends?" I just nodded and pushed myself inside to see if the girl earlier was still there. She's laying her head down so I just put the sandwhich and the water beside her.


Our professor entered and she still isn't waking up. I just hope our prof won't see her because she might get scold by him.

"I have a meeting right now, Class is dismissed. You all have my permission to go home now since i'm your last subject." Our professor said and they all exclaimed that makes the girl move slightly.

After packing up, my friends pulled me outside the room and I saw the girl woke up. She picked up the food and smiled. Then she looks at me, I didn't know what to do and I just knew my hand waved goodbye to her. Her smile is so soft, I wonder why her voice has sorrow in it. The girl completely vanished from my view until we reach the parking lot.

"Aunty Taeyeon invited us for dinner. Let's go, I'm hungry." Giselle told me, I knew my Mommy did. But it's still early for dinner. Aish, this kid.

We're on our way home when I saw the girl, slowly walking home with her head down. When did she get there so quick? And why is she walking like that? She might trip.

"Hey, who are you looking at there?" Ryujin look at the direction I'm looking. She smirked

"Hmmm, are you inlove now?" Giselle looked at us wondering what Ryujin said, then she look at the direction where we are looking snd also smirk. Why are my friends like this?


We arrived at our home and my parents are happy to see my friends. I suddenly don't have energy to do something then I remembered the girl's smile earlier. There was something inside her that I want to know about.

"Mom, I'll just change my clothes." I said to Mommy Jessica while smiling, I dont know why im smiling. Then I ran upstairs.

"Why is she smiling like that? Is she inlove?" I heard Mommy Jess asked my friends. So I kind of stopped running and stay a little bit to listen to them.

"Kind of, there's this girl she always looks at. And whenever they eyes met, she's like the cutest puppy alive." They all chuckle and I just rolled my eyes and sigh before entering my room and do my stuff.

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