Witch conspiracy

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Everyone on the carriage gasped when they came out of the forest to see the first town, but it was all burnt to the ground.

"Does anyone recognise something here?" Melissa asked.

"It's, the town of all of us" Alice said saddened.

"All five of you came from here?" Phillip asked and they all nodded.

As they waded through the ash and rubble left after the siege it was apparent no one survived, those who might have survived probably got taken hostage.

"I'm, I'm sorry girls" Phillip said.

"Where, do we go now?" Joan asked.

There was silence among them, Phillip and Melissa knew they couldn't afford to suddenly take in five more children, Andromeda didn't even know how to make money, and seeing this, she wondered if she was truly as bad as she was? Humans slaughter each other like pigs, how cruel.

"I have an idea, but it depends on the girls if they want to do it or not, it's almost the only option we have" Benjamin said.

"We're listening" Phillip said.

"You girls should go join the knights academy in London, they can house you, give you food, at the cost that you must become knights and fight, instead of living a normal life"

The girls looked at each other "We don't have another choice?" Alice asked.

"My father and mother isn't saying anything, but I can tell you, we can't afford to have five extra children in our house, maybe one, but not more than that"

They glanced at each other again, then Joan got a brave face "Then I'll do it, I'll train to be the best of the best, then I'll come get revenge for our village"

Her words had the girls rounded up "Yes, us too then" Leona said.

"Then I want to go too" Clarise said looking at her parents.

"Are, you sure? You can still decide sweety" Melissa said.

"No, I want to go with them, since our abduction I feel like they became my sisters mother"

Melissa looked at Phillip, then the two smiled at each other "Very well then, were off to London" Phillip said and snapped the reigns making the horses pick up speed.

As they came out of the burnt town Andromeda asked Phillip to stop.

"All of you girls, off"

They looked at each other confused then obliged.

"Good, now Phillip, continue on at a steady pace, we will follow by jogging" Andromeda smiled at them.

"Why?" Clarise asked.

"If you're going to join a knights academy, it's time to get you girls into shape"

Phillip burst out with laughter and started the horses again. Andromeda started jogging after it and the girls realised she wasn't joking, they quickly ran and caught up with her.

"Nice and steady pace girls, we'll see how long you last" She giggled seeing their faces semi panicked.

They only managed a few miles and tired out, so they got on again. They reached the next town just before sunset and Andromeda saw a blacksmith.

"How much does a blacksmith ask for a sword?" She asked.

"Too much for us to afford I'm afraid" Phillip said.

"Give me a silver coin quick" She said holding a hand out.

Phillip gave her one but frowned "Why?"

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