Phantom poetry

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The roof of Hades' throne room broke again and Andy landed there alongside Donald's soul.

"How many times are you going to destroy my roof!?" Hades yelled but made his great sword materialise just in time as Andy's claymore clashed against it, Hades sat wide eyed with the two swords sparking against each other, close to each other's faces, Hades was stupefied that Andy had him pinned in his throne seat.

"What!? Are you doing Wrath!?" he said loudly but Andy didn't back off, she pushed harder sinking Hades deeper into his chair, her orange eyes shimmering with hate.

"You, were planning on keeping me your slave for all eternity weren't you?"

Hades blinked his red eyes at her "Your agreement, is you bring me all the souls you owe me"

Andy pushed harder and Hades grunted "Back off Andromeda! You will die here!"

"I can't die if you don't die right?" She smiled.

"That is as long as I keep giving you that power"

"Then take it! Your little death lottery is boring me now!"

Hades smiled, then laughed loudly "You rebelled, you rebelled against me? That's fantastic! You went beyond even my own expectations!"

"Glad to impress"

"Now, I think I can move you to the next step"

"No! Not more of your second hand shit!"

Hades smiled "It's too late"


His red eyes glowed and Andy felt something hit her face, she screamed backing away, a cold burn enveloped her and she fell rolling down the stairs.

"You will now receive your second rank! Not a Hellspawn or wraith!" Hades said walking with his black great sword down the steps, Andy shivered profoundly, she was never this cold in her life.

"You will now, be a Phantom, a reaper of souls, a dark entity who seeks out life and snuffs it out no matter what it is and where it hides" Hades held his sword to her, Andy glared at him with fury.

"Leave me be! You...!" She gasped as a sheer cold gripped her heart, she bucked her back clasping her chest, Andy's orange eyes hue'd blood red, her dragon like wings disappeared as well as the horns. A new set of horns grew up on her head, out and inward to the top, straight up, a dark mist enveloped her covering her completely, she felt her self control slip, just as it did in the desert! That day! She remembers what happened in her past!



Hades lowered his sword, the figure in front of him rose to her feet, her face covered in a scull mask with sharp fangs, the black mist covered her like a cloak hiding her entire body accept her face, behind the mask the red eyes opened. A hand came out of the mist and a new sword formed, looking like the backbone of a carcass, it had sharpened bone spikes and elongated vertebrae, the full length of it longer than Andy herself.

"Now, Phantom, you are hidden from the eyes of the Gods of Olympus, only I can see you, no one else... Go and complete your mission"

Andy went to one knee "Yes, my Lord" She said with a wicked voice and vanished in a burst of smoke.

Hades looked up to the sky "You heavenly Gods better wake up! Something is coming! You underestimated this one! Now prepare for the shock of your lives!" He yelled and laughed loudly.

Smoke... Mirrors...

No move, yes movement...

A written thing by something? A mind? Lost in trance, there was a mind once, did she lose it?

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