The card games-Part 3(last)

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Jane was readding. But she was just looking at the pages. She knew she couldn't be forgiven for what she did. She made her best friend Sarah to sacrifice her life only to save hers. She had cried a thousand times and now she felt sick. She knew she shouldn't stay like that
and do something to pacify her. Something for Sarah. But what? Then,  she realised something: Sarah wasn't dead! She was just trapped between the world of the living and the world of the death! She could be saved! Jane didn't really knew the big danger of the game, so she watched some of Sarah's videos to learn how to summon Zalgo...
While arranging the cards, she heard Sarah's voice in her head: Don't do it!!! It's a trap!
That didn't stop Jane to do it. She made a cut on her arm and said the incantation. But before taking the first card, she said: I challenge you Zalgo! Then, so picked up the first card: it  was a dimond: that means the spirit is not really sure. Jane said: If you win, you can keep Sarah's soul and also take mine! But if I win, you will free me and Sarah. She took the next card, with was a red heart. Zalgo acceped. Jane sat up and looked at her mirror. She saw in it Sarah, crying with chains at her arms. Then, Jane saw on her chest a note. It said: ,, to win, you must break the mirror where I am. You will see to mirrors. In one of them, Sarah is tarpped, but in the other it's me. Break the mirror where I am to win.'' Jane went to the bathroom and saw 2 mirrors. On the first mirror was wrote: 454, and on the second was wrote: 545. She went to the kitchen, and saw a weird canibal creature witch was eatting some human organs. On the table, it was a blue mask, with 3 numbers on it. But it was too far for Jane to see them. She looked for a while at the mask. She had only 1 option. She ran as fast as she could and took the mask. The creature stopped eatting and looked at her. Jane got scared and ran. The creature was chaseing her. Jane realised that her house was a lot more bigger, with ten floors! Jane knew that  the creature will get her. She looked for a while at the mask. There were 2 numbers of 4. Then, the threw the mask. The cannibal looked at the falling mask. All it's attention was on his mask. He forgot Jane and ran to catch his mask. Jane was terrified! She went to the bathroom and looked at the mirrors. She wanted to punch the window 545. But she stopped. Maybe she saw wrong? She wasn't really sure what was the correct combination. She let her intuition chose. She closed her eyes and broke 545. A dark smoke was comming out of it. Jane looked at the mirror 454. She saw Sarah in it. But she wasn't crying anymore. And also she no longer had chains. She smiled at Jane. Then, she dissapeard. Jane was happy. She went to see her house: evreything returned to normal.   She won! Jane was really happy for Sarah. She was finally free from Zalgo's demonic game.

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