The card games-Part 2

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1 year passed, but Sarah still did NOT recover from the horrible experience with the card games. The demon hunted her dreams, and she became more and more thoughtfull. Until she meet Jane, her best friend. Jane always protectet her and she was the only person who belived her. She calmed Sarah a lot. Until one day, when Sarah arrived at school, Jane asked her to follow her, because she had to tell her something. Sarah followed her, and JAne started to cry. She said that the demon told her in her dream that if Sarah will NOT try the game again he will kill her. Sarah hugged her strong. She went home, and thought of her options carefuly.  Should she risk her life, to save Jane? Jane was her best friend...but the demon was probably a lot more stronger. She went to sleep. In her dream the demon said again that if she will try again the game he will leave her alone forever, also her friend will live. Sarah woke up. On her bed were some cards and a candle. Sarah started to cry. If she did NOT wonted, the demon would force her to try again the game. She got the cards, 2 candles( just for security), and the game need to be recorded. But she did NOT want to use her phone so she took a old camera, and put it under bed. But, again for security she thought there were 2 options-she dies, or she lives- so she took her phone and pressed the button to record. She said the incantation and made a cut on her arm. She dropped the blood on the candle, and then she diperatley asked questions and picked cards. She felt again that horrible sensation, that she was NOT alive, but not dead either. She was a lot more faster this time. When she finished, the last card was representing a Joker that was laughing, not screamming. She finished the game. But nothing happend, she was still in that limbo. She said

-You chalenged me and I won! Set me free!

She heard a laught. A devil voice said that you did NOT need to finish the cards anymore. She had to stop the recording. SArah looked in front of her, but the phone was NOT there! And the candle was almost over. But then she realised something, the camera under the bed. She looked under her bed, but instead of her camera, it was Zalgo, smiling at her. He took her head, and drag her to him. From that day on, Sarah has never been seen, and evreybody wondered why. Only Jane knew what truly happend to her. And she could NOT forgive her for what she did. She caused Sarah dissepear...

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