Chapter 3

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#this is luke

Elena's POV.....

I woke back in the salvitore boarding house, with a killer head ache. when I say up I was wearing my normal clothes again, I looked around and no one was there. so I got up and walked around.

"Elena your awake." said a very familiar, and very in trouble voice. can you guess who it was when I turned around. if you guessed bonnie you were correct.

"Bonnie, hey" I said still with a really strong British accent.

"What happened to you, one. Minute we where doing the spell, then the next you vanished, only to appear 5 months later unconscious" she said.

"You happened your spell sent to the 10th century." I said and a oh expression appeared on her face.

"Elena your back." said a very worried Damon.

"Yep I'm back, just one question, have the originals changed in any way." I said.

"Yea, they are really nice and Klaus's son spoke to me " Caroline said appearing next to bonnie.

"Klaus's son, I didn't know he had a son." I lied

"He doesn't matter right now, because your back and your siblings are at your house worried about you." she said and walked out of the room.

"I'm going to go." I said then left the room.

At home

As I walked up to the door I took in a deep breath. then let it out. opened the door and walked in.

"Elena, your back." Jer said getting up from the couch and walking over to me.

"Yes I'm back. and I'm ready to party." I said.

"Ok and what's with the British accent." he said and Margaret came running in. and I picked her up and spun her around.

"I missed you." she said.

"I missed you to Maggie" I said.


Klaus's POV......

It's been a thousand years since I last saw the love of my life, the mother of my child. the thing is that yesterday i found the letter that she gave me, which looks like it hasn't aged a day. right now it is sitting in front of me.

"Dad just open it it might tell us where mum is." my son said sitting down next to me. I nodded and picked it up then gently opened it and I was able to read it.

Dear klaus mikealson,

I know your probably wondering what happened to me, well know this I was not from your time in fact I was from 2015, I know know what your probably thinking is 3 questions.

Why did you leave?

When will we meet again?


How did you end up in my time?

Well I'll answer those questions right now in this letter which your only reading now because you been to nervous to read it.

For fun I'll start from question three and go up.

3) i got to your time by accident, bonnie my friend where trying to do a spell to teleport me from the salvitore boarding house to the mystic falls high school, and it went wrong.

Right now your think how does she know bonnie Bennett and who is her real identity.

2) well you see we have met since . Repeatedly. just I look a lot different, and the ones of me you met me were before I went to your time.

1) I'm sorry I left you and our son but I had to return to my time and to the rest of my family and I f I had a choice I would have stayed with you guys.

Klaus know that I love you with my whole heart, and the reason I left our son with you is not because he would die on the trip back but because you will give him the best possible life he could ever have and a boy sould not Live without there father.

Love from Elena Gilbert (the doppelgänger)

"You killed my mother" luke said in shock.

"I didn't know it was her, but anyway, I have to go speak to her." I said.

"Ok, well I'm just going to be sick because I tried flirting with my own mother." he said and I laughed "Dad this not funny, now go get my mother back." he said and I got up and let out a chuckle. "not funny." he yelled and I vamp ran to Elena's house.

I walked up to her front door and knocked and the door was answered by jeramy.

"Klaus what do you want." he said with disgust in his voice.

"Nice to you you jeramy. Is Elena home." I asked. Then Elena appeared next to him.

"Hello klaus" she said with a big smile on her face and that oh so familiar accent.

"Hello Elena, can I please talk to you." I asked and she nodded.

"Come in" she said and walked away and I followed her up to her bedroom. "I see you read the letter, you probably hate me now." she said looking down at her hands.

"I don't hate you, I'm so sorry for what I did to you, I'm sorry I kill your aunt, I'm sorry I hurt you." I said. looking at the ground then I felt a hand on my cheek.

"I forgave you a long time ago." she said and I look up at her in the eyes and a smile formed on my face. then she kissed me and I willingly kissed her back. and she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought her body closer to me. I wrapped arms around her thin waist. then we pulled apart. "how is our son, what did you name him" she asked.

"He is amazing, and his name is Luke. he really wants to meet you" I said and a bigger smile formed on her face.

"I would love to meet him, but there's one thing I have to do first." she said.

"And what might that be" I said and she kissed me and that lead to an extremely heavy make out session, then lead to us with out closes on and me thrusting into her hard and fast. until we both released, then we did 5 rounds before I pulled out.

"That was amazing, and honestly I love having sex with you." she said.

"Honestly love you and also having sex with you." I said

"Well I love you too, now let's get some rest, one thing I'm also so happy jeramy and Maggie went to stay at the boarding house tonight after you arrived." she said and I laughed.

I missed her so much and all those bad things I did I regret and I know she said she forgave me, but did down I know she will never forgive me. but I love her and she loves me so that is all that matters.


Hey guys

I'm so so sorry it took me this long to update I have been so busy and I have had major writers block but thank to those lovely people who have me ideas so I decided to give a shoutout to some of those people:

A shoutout goes to:






Also this lovely writer that I honestly think is amazing. gets a shoutout
Thanks heaps.

To get a shoutout COMENT

xoxo Gossip Girl

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