Chapter 2

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Elena's POV.....

1 week later

I can't get him out of my head his eyes, his voice and what he said. What is happening I can't be feeling this way about him it's wrong, first he future him killed me, then I will be leaving soon and never see him again. I thought to my self. then got up and dressed then walked down stairs.

"Good morning, Elena" Ayana said as I walked into the living room

"Good morning Ayana, how are you this morning" I asked her.

"I'm good Elena how about you" she asked.

"I'm good. so what are we doing today" I said

"We have been invited to have dinner with the mikealsons, other then that we have just a few chores to do, if you don't mind getting some water from the well" she said

"Of I would be happy to" I said as I grabbed the bucket and walked out. once again my mind wondered to the talk klaus and I had last night.


"Thank you for offering to walk me home I prefer you walking me home instead, your a good friend" I said even thought I really wanted it to be something more 'Elena you can't think like that this is the guy who killed you twice' I told my self.

"That's ok, I would do anything for you" he said and I Just stopped walking in shock that he felt the same way and just looked at him trying to figure him out but he had to know part of the truth.

"Klaus we can't be anything more than friends because when I go back I will be married to another man and we will never see each other again" i said to him "your I nice guy and everything but my parents already had a few men picked out for me. and my grandmother just has to pick one of them I and that will be the person I marry." I said

"That's a pitty we could of really had something" he said in a hurt voice because I could tell that it hurt him to hear it and of course it hurt me to say it as well.

"Good night klaus" I said as i walked into the house leaving him in the cold.

End of flashback

It still hurt from saying that to him.

"Hey Elena" I heard the bubbly voice of Rebekah behind me then I turned an shore enough there she was with klaus who couldn't seem to keep his eyes off me.

"Hey Rebeckah, klaus" I said as I tried to lift the bucket. then I felt a soft hand grab the bucket from me then I heard his amazing voice .

"Let me help you with that" he said and I just nodded as we walked back to the house talking about how I was going to there house for dinner.


6 hours later.....

As Ayana and I walked to the mikealson house I could see klaus waiting out side looking someone then our eyes meet, and we both look each other up and down making me blush.

"Elena remember that you can't form any relationship with these boys because you will be going home sometime and they won't really know you in the future." she said and I just nodded since she had a good point.

"Welcome Ayana Elena"he said and lead us into the house where I was met with a big hug.

"Hi Rebekah" said as she let go and we walked to her room and closed the door.

"You wouldn't believe what I heard klaus say to elijah" she said

"What did he say" I said in a calm

Klena - i hate that i love you.Where stories live. Discover now