Travel time

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Ok so traveling was very hard considering i was RUNNING in  6 inch heels !

I just saw them at the mall , i had to buy it but its very hard to walk in .

I was runnign around the airport , i almost CLAIRE

she caught  a starbucks cafe , ran away 

so we went in starbucks , she was waiting for us to buy her cotton candy frapichino 

jake was crying on the whole ride everyone thought we were RETARETD FAMILY

and i sunk in my chair shy , embarassed .

then finnally we went to the bahamas , changed into a bathing suit , 

went swmming with the kids !

By the way if yu guys ddint know my husband 's name is Blake 

but since derik is little is calles him BWAKEY! OR DADWE


i have to go for now 

to be continued...........................

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